Your Own Perfect Medicine Chapter 4

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The medical applications of urine and its constituents have been tested, discussed, researched and utilized to such an extent throughout the twentieth century that it seems incredible that almost none of us, including the majority of our doctors and medical administrators have ever heard anything about it.

But again, the reason for this is not entirely a mystery. As we discussed in the last chapter, even though the success of urine therapy was reported long before the 1900’s, twentieth century medical researchers, doctors and the public were no longer interested in traditional natural medicines.

So urine therapy was moved out of the home and doctor’s offices and into the oblivion of research laboratories, where, unfortunately, it still largely remains today.

As we’ve discussed, urine therapy largely disappeared from public use at the turn of the century and the knowledge of the therapy is now hidden in medical journals and research reports that people and doctors in general never see; also, urine ingredients are simply isolated and converted into unrecognizable drug forms.

Even though there have been amazing scientific discoveries about the medical use of urine, medical researchers, for the most part, do not tell the public about their discoveries. Again, this situation is most likely the result of two factors. One, modem medical researchers are primarily oriented towards finding strong, monetarily profitable chemical “bullets” to knock out specific diseases – and not towards discovering natural medicines which augment the body’s natural capacity to heal.

Secondly, most medical researchers work for pharmaceutical companies and many are contractually bound not to reveal the results of their research until the research can be applied as a profit-making medical therapy that can be patented by the company who funded the research.

Also, medical researchers tend to devote their research to extremely specialized branches of medicine, and these separate departments of medicine don’t generally communicate their findings to departments outside of their own research fields. So the urologists, for instance, who discovered that urine can prevent and heal urinary tract infections might publish their findings for other urologists, but a doctor in general practice would probably not come in contact with these studies on the importance of urine in bladder or kidney infections.

The public and most practicing doctors today consider urine to be nothing more than a body waste. But many medical researchers know that in reality, urine is an enormously comprehensive and powerful medical substance. Now you get to read what many scientists and doctors know, but haven’t told us about the amazing curative effects of urine therapy.

The research studies and articles selected for this chapter are each nurnbered and presented in chronological order to present a broad overview of how consistently and intensively urine has been researched during the twentieth century.

You’ll be amazed and astounded by these studies on the medical use of urine. As I was reading over these reports, and looking at all of the other many studies on urine therapy, I couldn’t help exclaiming “Why didn’t anyone ever tell us?”.

More About Urea

As an added note, many of these research studies were done using the urine extract, urea, which is the primary organic solid of urine. Urea, an organic salt formed in the liver, is the result of the body’s use, or synthesis, of protein. The body eliminates excess nitrogen which is produced during protein metabolism in the form of urea. Urea is also used by the body to help in the mechanism which determines how concentrated the urine is, or in other words, how much water is excreted from the blood. Urea was discovered centuries ago, in 1773, when it was

first separated from urine; later, in 1828, natural urea was synthesized or chemically “copied” in the laboratory.

The discovery of urea was one of the most important events of modem chemistry and biochemistry because it was the first organic compound to be separated in a relatively pure state. Urea, which is critical to our body’s use of protein, also provides innumerable profound keys as to how our bodies work and function.

For this reason, chemists have been fascinated for years by urea and its amazing and diverse applications in the fields of science and medicine:

“More scientific papers have probably been published on urea than on any other organic compound…”

— Journal of the American Medical Association

— July 1954, “De Urina”

Urea has so many beneficial properties that it was used historically, and is still used today, in a wide variety of medical applications – for reducing excess fluid pressure on the brain, as a remarkable skin treatment for eczema, dry skin disorders, and fungal infections; as a moisturizer in cosmetic creams, as a safe and effective diuretic, and as an anti-bacterial, antiseptic treatment for healing serious wounds.

People who have heard of the term “uremia”, or uremic poisoning, often assume that urea itself is toxic and is therefore excreted in the urine. But this is not the case. Excess urea becomes toxic to the body only when the filtering mechanisms of the kidneys are damaged or impaired, and the urea level of the blood is not properly regulated But in this case, excessive amounts of other benign substances like wáter and sodium become toxic also if the kidney is unable to regulate them in the blood. As you’ll discover in the research studies in this chapter, urea is not only not toxic, but in reality has tremendous medical and physiological value, and can be safely used even in large quantities.

Urea is on the FDA list of approved drugs for medical use and many products made from urea are listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference, (which is the book

that doctors refer to in deciding what drug to prescribe), and in the U.S. Pharmacological Index.

However, as wonderful as urea has proven to be in medicine, I want to stress that it cannot and should not be used to replace or supersede natural urine as a healing agent. As the research in this chapter proves, whole urine contains hundreds of known and unknown medically important elements that clearly and definitively are not found in urea alone.

Also, as medical studies have unequivocally shown, each person’s urine contains antibodies, natural ‘vaccines’ and many other critical physiological elements that are carried in the blood that are specific to each individual’s health condition. These elements in whole urine are not found in either natural or synthetic urea alone.

For instance, if you have an allergic reaction to wheat, your body produces a complex of antibodies to deal with the allergy and those antibodies are found in your urine. Medical studies have demonstrated that when you reintroduce these urine antibodies into your system by ingesting or injecting your own urine, that the allergy can be corrected. But urea alone would not contain these allergy-fighting antibodies.

In using your own urine to heal yourself, you’re getting medicinal elements that your particular body has produced in order to deal with your specific, intricate and often undetectable disturbances in your body’s functioning.

You could be exposed to polio, for example or tuberculosis and not even realize it until acute symptoms appear – but, as medical research has proven, your urine can contain antibodies to those diseases even if acute symptoms are not appearing. So regular use of urine therapy can most definitely provide extremely comprehensive therapeutic treatment that goes far beyond urea or other medicines.

This is not to say that other therapies are not useful and effective, they are, of course, but urine therapy, correctly applied, should be the foundation for our health regimens and medical treatments and should definitely be used routinely in illness and preventive health care.

I recently read a magazine article about a 12 year-old girl in the Midwest who was admitted to the hospital with a high fever, lassitude, and drooling heavily from the mouth. Doctors tried frantically but unsuccessfully to diagnose her condition but she deteriorated and died several days later. Only after her death was it discovered that she’d died of an undiagnosed and therefore untreated case of rabies.

This is a good example of why urine and urea therapy should be incorporated into all types of medicine. In this girl’s case, urine therapy could have been invaluable. In the first place, urea itself has been scientifically proven to dissolve or destroy the rabies virus, so it could most definitely have aided this little girl.

Additionally, the rabies antibody would have been present in the girl’s urine, so she would have gotten the benefit of both the urea and the rabies antibody after ingesting her urine. Her doctors couldn’t diagnose her illness – but her body already had, and if she’d been given her urine orally, or by injection with perhaps, added urea, it might well have saved her life.

And the real tragedy is that there is absolutely no downside risk here – absolutely none!. Urine is free, it’s backed by almost 100 years of medical testing, and in every single study ev r done on urine and urea’s medicinal use in humans, no toxicity ha ever been reported. So what did this young girl have to lose by being treated with them?

As hundreds of people have experienced, and as research has shown, urine is undoubtedly an amazing natural medicine that can give you health benefits beyond any other natural or chemical substance in existence.

The information on the medical uses of urine most definitely deserves public recognition and frankly, if we don’t routinely take advantage of this incredible natural remedy, we can’t honestly say that we’re doing all that we can to preserve and regain our good health.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that even with all our medical knowledge and technological genius, we still don’t have strong, healthy, disease-resistant bodies – but the fact that widespread, crippling health disorders still abound should tell us that we’re doing something wrong and overlooking something important.

Let’s not overlook this simplest and yet most useful of natural medicines.



Report # 1


the Pathological Laboratory of Queen’s College Belfast, published in the Journal of Pathological Bacteria, London.


This laboratory study is presented first because it’s one of the more thorough and earliest twentieth century laboratory research studies on the medical applications of urea.

Don’t be intimidated by the word ‘pleomorphism’. In this context it just basically means that urea changed the shape, or stopped the normal growth of disease bacteria.

After medical researchers discovered that certain types of living microorganisms, such as bacteria, could cause disease, it became almost their sole aim to discover ways of killing or stopping the growth of these microorganisms, or germs.

In this particular study, the researcher, James Wilson, placed different disease- causing bacteria, such as Bacillus typhosus (typhoid) into petridishes containing urea solutions and found, as had other researchers, that the urea stopped the normal growth of the bacteria:

“In October 1905, at the suggestion of Professor Symmers, I was investigating the action of the Bacillus typhosus and the B.Coli on urea. I.. found that as the

percentage of urea in the medium varied, so did the amount of growth of the bacillus…

with greater percentages of urea, the growth of the organism was inhibited; with 7 per cent (urea), very little growth occurred; with 8 per cent practically none…

Urea has an antiseptic or inhibitory effect on the growth of microorganisms.”

This anti-bacterial effect of urea was also proven by several other researchers very early in the twentieth century. But rather than present each of these studies on urea separately, the most notable of these research findings are listed below in order to give a coherent overview on the important studies on urea that were conducted and published during the first decades of the new era of modem medicine:


A German researcher by the name of Spiro reported his discovery that urea solutions have a remarkable ability to “dissolve” foreign proteins. This is medically important because viruses, for example, are molecular proteins as are allergens. Later research confirmed that urea has an amazing ability to rapidly and easily destroy viruses such as polio and rabies viruses, and during the 1980’s, urine was defined as an extremely effective treatment for a wide variety of allergies.


W. Ramsden, another researcher, published a report in the American Journal of Physiology further detailing the protein dissolving properties of urea. Ramsden also discovered that urea prevented putrefaction in wounds. His work is often referred to by later researchers looking into the anti-bacterial applications of urea.


Two French researchers, G. Peju and H. Rajat published a report on their detailed study of the effect of urea on various disease-causing bacteria. Their research demonstrated that the more concentrated the urea, the more it inhibited bacterial growth. In concentrated solutions of urea, no bacterial growth occurred. The research done by Peju and Rajat has been referred to many times over the years by other researchers who studied and clinically applied the anti-bacterial properties of urea. This research also supported the later use of urea as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds and infections during the 1930’s and 40’s.


In England, two other researchers, W. Symmers and T.S Kirk, published their report entitled “Urea as a Bactericide and Its Application in the Treatment of Wounds”. Symmers and Kirk were actually military doctors, so of course their work with urea centered around its use as an antiseptic for wounds. In their report, they comment that “all the wounded soldiers under our care in the Ulster Volunteer Force Hospital have been treated with urea, and it has been found that.. infected wounds dressed with urea once in 24 hours give better results than similar cases treated in any other way.” Later 20th century researchers firmly established and proved that urea, both topically, and internally, provides a wide variety of excellent benefits and produces no adverse side effects.

As you read more about the remarkable clinical data on the benefits of urea further on, you’ll be extremely surprised that our medical community today has failed to emphasize the use of this incredibly inexpensive, effective and safe anti-bacterial medicine.


Report # 2

TITLE: AUTOTHERAPY, (book), 1918, by Dr. Charles H. Duncan. The following report is taken from a chapter from Dr. Duncan’s book entified “Urine as An Autotherapeutic Remedy”. Dr. Duncan was the Attending Surgeon, Genito- Urinary Specialist and co-founder of the Volunteer Hospital, New York City.

Dr. Duncan used the word Autotherapy, as have other doctors, to refer to the utilization of natural substances of the body to create a healing response. In his chapter on “Urine as An Autotherapeutic Remedy,” Dr. Duncan describes his clinical observations on the use of urine therapy in his medical practice, and discusses reports from other doctors who were using urine therapy at the time.

From an historical point of view, it’s interesting to note the seriousness with which urine therapy was treated by even mainstream twentieth century doctors. Dr. Duncan was a practicing surgeon, founder of the Volunteer Hospital in New York City, a Genito-Urinary Specialist –and a supporter of natural urine therapy.

Our medical community today in general would have us believe that urine therapists are traveling road-show quacks giving out ludicrous and unsubstantiated medical claims, but that’s a gross misrepresentation of the truth.

As Dr. Duncan observed:

“There is scarcely a pathogenic (disease) condition which does not affect the urine contents…It may be said that urine is like a weather vane, sensitively registering any change in the patient’s condition, be it great or small.

Many pathogenic conditions…are quickly cured by the therapeutic employment of urine alone…it is significant, indeed, when Clark’s Materia Medico gives many conditions in which uric acid and urea have been proved to be therapeutically effective.

In the New York Medical Journal of December 14 and 21, 1912 and in the Therapeutic Record of January 1914, I reported that I was employing urine successfully in the treatment of many conditions…since then it has been employed successfully both by myself and many other physicians in treating patients suffering with a great variety of pathogenic conditions.”

Duncan goes on to cite several case studies in which he successfully used urine therapy. For instance:

CASE 190.

“Patient, male, 30 years, applied for treatment for cystitis that developed after a long drive in the rain. At night he had to void every hour or twa…A teaspoonful of morning urine one-half hour before ineals completely cleared up the case within two days.”

CASE 198.

“Patient, male, age 50 years, applied for treatment suffering with inflammation of the bladder and prostate…Upon rising from a sitting posture it was necessary to void urine within a minute. He had to get up at night five and six times. The usual remedies for such conditions gave little or no relief. It was then decided to treat him autotherapeutically. He was instructed to take a drachm of early morning urine a half hour before each meal.

Within twenty-four hours his improved condition was so marked that be became alarmed thinking his recovery was too quick. [He stopped the therapy] and the pain and tenesmus (spasms) returned; he continued the treatment and improved greatly. He gradually improved and he is [now) apparently in good health.”

CASE 203.

The following article by Dr. C.G. Moore was republished in the New Albany Medical Herald, February, 1915, from the Archives of Pediatrics:

“I find diabetes mellitus an uncommonly difficult disease for the general practitioner to treat. April 14,1912, I was called to see a little seven-year-old girl. They gave me a history of her having felt badly for a few days and of having had some fever. On examining the child I found her to have a temperature of 102 degrees F., but all other findings were negative. In a couple of days they informed me her temperature was normal and she was feeling all right, but she was passing a large (sticky) amount of urine frequently.

Having tried all methods of treatment on several other patients whom I have had within the past few months suffering with glycosuria (sugar in the urine), I decided

to try Autotherapy, for I had known cases of icterus (jaundice) which had failed to respond to any medical treatment, but cleared up in a very short time when they were given their own urine to drink.

I gave this little girl three ounces of her own urine three times daily and then examined for the sugar percentage and found that when she was taking the urine, the percentage of sugar dropped, and that when it was withdrawn, the percentage increased. I could also see some improvement in her general condition. She did not urinate so often or so much; did not drink so much water; her skin was more moist, she was not so nervous…

CASE 202

From the report of Dr. Deachman of N.Y.: “Patient, male, 49, was extremely nervous and irritable; he had wandering pains all over his body, headache and general lassitude. He complained a great deal of pain in the lumbar region and in the abdomen.

He improved on nothing I gave him…microscopic urine examination showed red blood cells, pus cells, renal cells and abundance of calcium oxalate crystals.

The treatment consisted of a twenty minim injection of urine diluted 1 to 100 with distilled water. He improved with this to a certain point but did not entirely recover until I used a less diluted urine, after which he made a prompt recovery. Two months after he recovered a urinalysis showed absence of pus and renal cells and a normal volume of urine.”

Dr. Deachman comments:

“These are but a few of the many cases I have successfully treated by this method, the value of which I consider inestimable.

I make this statement after a wide experience in using urine] in treating many patients suffering with chronic diseases and particularly in the use of urine as an autotherapeutic agent. I am free to say that the results obtained with urine therapy are [far better] than the usual recognized methods.”

Dr. Duncan’s reports on the use of urine therapy are quite detailed and include many other extensive observations on his and other doctors’ clinical treatments and

case studies on the effects of both orally and hypodermically administered urine therapy.


Report # 3


1935, by John FL Foulger, M.D., and Lee Foshay, M.D., Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. From the Departments of Pharmacology and Experimental Bacteriology, University of Cincinnati.

The researchers in this study, Foulger and Foshay, found that urea was extremely effective in curing or preventing a wide variety of bacterial infections and, unlike sulfa drugs, which were widely used at the time, had no deleterious side effects:

“…In an account of the action of urea…Ramsden (1902) made the very interesting observation that urea prevents putrefaction…the first detailed study of urea as a bactericide, (destroys bacteria), is that of Peju and Rajat…no great attention was paid to the bactericidal action of urea until Symmers and Kirk (1915), (who) found urea of undoubted

value as a wash in the treatment of diphtheria carriers (and) the treatment of wounds. That urea is innocuous to human tissues was

adequately proved.

In one case with a chronic staphylococcus blood infection, urea (powder) was sprinkled between the layers of tissue and the wound then…

closed with sutures. Healing followed with no sign of infection. …

Infected wounds dressed with urea powder gave better results than similar wounds treated by other methods…

Unaware of the work of Symmers and Kirk, one of us (J.F,) selected as material for a clinical study of urea a few cases of purulent otitis media (middle ear infection)…all of the cases which had failed to respond to other local medicaments responded to urea…

A boy of ten developed otitis media and hemorrhagic nephritis… (kidney inflammation) about the third week of hospitalization for 77Your Own Perfect Medicine

scarlet fever… urea treatments were started. The ear discharges at once became less foul…At the same time the blood gradually disappeared from the urine…

The results so far obtained suggest that urea may be of considerable value in the treatment of purulent discharges of many types and in the

treatment, also of suppurating wounds producing foul odors. This latter use of urea has been reported recently by Millar (see next report)…

The cheapness and harmlessness of urea should encourage other investigations of its clinical use.

As an added note, Foulger and Foshay also discovered, as did other urea researchers later, that destroying strong bacterial strains such as those which cause staph and strep infections required longer exposure to urea than some other types of bacteria, which is something to keep in mind when using urine therapy to combat staph and strep infections.

Report #4 TITLE: UREA CRYSTALS IN CANCER, 1933, by Dr. William M.


From the Department of Surgery, College of Medicine of the University of Cincinnati.


Following Foulger’s and Foshay’s work on the antibacterial action of urea, Dr. Millar began using urea crystals to heal external cancerous ulcerations:

“The peculiarly penetrating odor of a sloughing cancer is one of the horrible aspects of this disease. For the past year at the Tumor Clinic of the Cincinnati General Hospital, urea crystals have been advocated and prescribed in such cases. If they are packed into the wound, the odor will be stopped to a great extent.

Although they dissolve in a few minutes, the offensive character of the ulcer becomes less with each application.

The crystals are cheap, they possess a considerable antiseptic value, and there is no fear of a systemic reaction…”

As research progressed through the twentieth century, the antibacterial properties of urea became increasingly well-known and it was used in 78The Research Evidence and Case Studies

the treatment of wounds and infections in Europe and the U.S. until the development of antibiotic creams in the latter half of the century, when it appears that its antiseptic use was discontinued in favor of the newer

and supposedly more effective drugs.

Urea, or urine, is cheap, effective and, as a natural substance, causes no adverse reactions in the body. It’s proven antibacterial properties make it an excellent treatment for wounds and burns of all kinds.

TITLE: AUTO-URINE THERAPY, 1934, by Dr. Martin Krebs, (pediatri- Report #5

cian), from a lecture delivered at the Society of Pediatricians, Leipzig. Dr. Krebs, a practicing pediatrician in Dresden, like other many other physicians, was intrigued by reports of the medical uses of patients’ own urine to treat and cure a wide variety of disorders. Like Dr.

Duncan and other practitioners, he referred to this practice as autourine therapy.

Dr. Krebs began injecting urine in the course of his own medical practice and was surprised at the rapid and often extraordinary response:

“Through intramuscular injections of the patient’s own urine, allergies and certain spastic conditions in children are remarkably improved.

Extraordinary improvement can be seen with asthma and hayfever.

The use of auto-urine therapy is also indicated in the treatment of muscular spasms caused by birth traumas to the brain.

I treated an eight-year old boy with hay-fever by injecting 5 cc. of his own urine, and was surprised at the result. The boy immediately

began breathing better, and in a few minutes the extreme redness of the

eyes disappeared. Another child who had spent 31/2 months in a sanatorium for treatment of his asthma, received an injection of 4 cc. of

urine. After only 6 minutes, he was able to breathe deeply and then slept well.

After my first experiences with the therapy, I was encouraged to try it on other types of cases, and subsequently treated a 10 month old child who had exhibited partial paralysis and muscle spasms apparently caused by birth trauma. After the first injection of urine, he began to loosen and open his fists, his general movements were freer and he laughed, something which his parents had never seen him do. Also, the attacks of angina which he had experienced, stopped after the injection. 79Your Own Perfect Medicine

Urine therapy has been indicated as a treatment for:

\1) toxemia in pregnancy,

\2) allergic conditions,

\3) pertussis,

\4) spasms

\5) increasing breast milk

\6) hayfever

\7) asthma

\8) migraine-like conditions

\9) eczema

I believe that Auto-Urine Therapy is worthy of being applied in the

area of pediatric medicine. I highly recommend the therapy in the treatment of hayfever and asthma, and I would like to see further follow-up

clinical studies done on its application to the other conditions that were mentioned.”

Dr. Krebs undertook further clinical research studies in 1940 using natural urine in treating children. His study, entitled The Use of

Convalescent Urine in the Mitigation of Acute Infections, demonstrated that urine therapy (administered by means of enemas) was safe and effective for treating childhood infections such as whooping cough, measles and chicken pox.

Dr. Krebs was impressed by the results of his treatments on 58 infected children, and recommended urine therapy to other physicians as a treatment for infections in children.

Krebs, like many other doctors and researchers, discovered excellent uses for urine therapy and he instructed some of the parents of his young patients how to use it at home for treating their children.

80p nni

The Research Evidence and Case Studies


NEPHRITIS, 1934, by Dr. R. Tiberi, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy.

Nephritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney or in other words, a kidney infection, which can be a serious health threat and is

difficult to cure. The kidneys are essential for maintaining proper nutrient and water balances in the blood, but nephritis interferes with this

function, often causing the bloodstream to become overloaded with excess elements such as water and salt. The body’s ability to utilize

protein is also often impaired during kidney infection, and protein, or albumin can be abnormally excreted in the urine.

Symptoms of nephritis are chills, fever, urgent and frequent urination, back and abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Blood in the urine and cloudy urine are also symptoms.

This study revealed that urine injections significantly reduced the symptoms and successfully eliminated kidney infections in most cases:

“The modern therapeutic tendency for acute infectious diseases is typically an etiologic tendency; it is exactly from this basis that the concept

of vaccine therapy, for example, autogenous (individual, natural) vaccines and protein-therapy, has entered today’s standard practice.

Actually, there are many infectious diseases far which this type of treatment is utilized…

Since 1926, Professor Silvestrini has been using urine vaccine autotherapy for cases of nephritis; however until now, a systematic and particularly a clinically statistical study which could offer a precise indication of its effectiveness had not been compiled. Therefore, I have collected the medical histories of numerous patients who underwent this therapy during previous years, and, in addition, a group of others

which I was able to personally follow and administer laboratory investigations with the goal of obtaining as many clinical observations as was



CASE 111. A patient came into the clinic presenting albuminuria

(protein) and blood cells [in the urine], fever, edema

(water retention, or swelling), and cyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin). The patient was treated with a

course of seven injections (7 cc. each) of auto-urine vaccine. An examination of the patient’s urine was done

after the third injection and showed only small traces of Report #6


rYour Oren Perfect Medicine

albumin and blood cells and the edema and cyanosis had disappeared. After completing the treatment course, the patient was discharged from the hospital, completely healed.

CASE IV. The patient came into the clinic presenting albuminuria and blood cells in the urine, temperature, but no edema.

The patient received urine injections, and after the eighth

injection, all of his symptoms had gone into total remission. Three weeks after the treatments, the patient continues to remain completely healed.

CASE V. Upon entering the clinic, the patient’s examination revealed considerable protein and blood in the urine and

visual disturbances in the left eye. After only three injections of the urine vaccine, the symptoms completely disappeared and the patient was released completely cured.

This Italian research study on nephritis and urine therapy was an

extremely in-depth report, detailing 18 cases of clinical nephritis which were successfully treated with urine injections.

Another similar study on the treatment of nephritis, entitled, Treatment Of Glomer-ulonephritis By Antigen, published in the London Lancet, in

Dec., 1936, by Dr. H.B. Day, (London), also demonstrated the effectiveness of a simple, natural urine extract on several cases of both acute

and chronic nephritis:

“Treatment by injection of urine extract appeared of distinct value in acute glomerulonephritis and for exacerbations or relapses in chronic active forms of the disease…In chronic cases, the effect of this treatment is often striking.”

Day also noted that:

Tests on patients without nephritis showed that the urine extract, even in large doses, had no adverse effect on renal function or on the blood pressure.

82The Research Evidence and Case Studies


URINE THERAPY, 1935, by Dr. M. Garotescu, published in the medical journal, Romania Medicala.

In this report, the author, Dr. Garotescu, describes his experiences in treating cystitis, a painful inflammation, or infection of the bladder

which commonly affects women and can lead to more serious conditions, such as kidney infections.

Dr. Garotescu treated numerous cases of cystitis with injections of the patients’ own urine, and discovered that these treatments produced excellent results, which were corroborated by laboratory tests showing that the cystitis bacteria had completely disappeared after the urine injection treatments. For example:

CASE #1: A thirty-two year-old woman with typical symptoms of

cystitis including frequent, painful urination; also complained of chronic constipation for which she has been

taking laxatives unsuccessfully for several years. She was

treated with 12 urine injections and all symptoms completely disappeared. The success of the treatment was

verified by laboratory tests which showed a complete absence of colibaccilli (cystitis bacteria) in her urine.

CASE #2: A 28 year-old woman complaining of frequent and painful urination. Laboratory analysis of urine sample revealed the presence of numerous colonies of colibacilli.

Patient was given 4 injections of auto-urine, after which all symptoms and signs of the infection were completely ameliorated.

Dr. Garotescu reported that he gave 220 urine injections to patients without any adverse side effects whatever, other than an occasional, temporary redness and swelling at the site of the injection which is commonly reported with urine injections, or injections of any kind.


83Your Own Perfect Medicine


AQUEOUS UREA SOLUTIONS, 1936, by Dr. Eaton M. MacKay and

Dr. Charles R. Schroeder, published for the American Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology


This report on urea’s ability to destroy viruses is extremely interesting and important in view of the fact that even today, almost 60 years after this study was published, there is still no medical cure or effective drug treatment for viral infections. And as we know, viruses can be deadly. After experimenting with the effect of urea on the polio and rabies viruses, McKay and Schroeder report that:

“…The effect of urea in strong concentration on these viruses (rabies and polio) proved interesting. As first recorded by Spiro and Ramsden, urea in aqueous solution has a remarkable ability to ‘dissolve’ proteins…

We conclude…that the strong solution of urea not only attenuates

(weakens) or dilutes the poliomyelitis virus in the sense that it is noninfective but actually destroys it…

Urea is such a relatively inactive substance and certainly not a

protoplasmic poison such as are most virucidal agents that it is in a way surprising that rabies and poliomyelitis are killed so easily by urea solutions…

It is true that neutral and inactive as it is, urea, like alkalies, denatures protein when dissolving it and this reaction may be associated with the death of the virus. This denaturation occurs in a very few


This report appears to hold important implications for the treatment of the AIDS virus, HIV. Because concentrated urea has been proven to destroy viruses without harming the body, oral urine therapy, which increases urea concentrations (see Dr. D. Kaye), would logically be an extremely important addition to treatment regimens; especially in view of the fact that urine therapy also provides a wide variety of antibodies (including HIV antibodies in infected patients) and other important immune defense supporting agents.

84The Research Evidence and Case Studies

No one with HIV or AIDS can afford to ignore the information on urine therapy, especially considering the danger and ineffectiveness of the ‘accepted’ AIDS treatments such as AZT. A separate section on AIDS and urine therapy is presented further on in this chapter. Again,

because urine therapy is easily accessed, inexpensive and proven to be

completely safe, there is absolutely no downside risk to using it in treating AIDS and other viral iinfections.


by Leon Muldavis (Senior Casualty Officer at the Royal Free Hospital, London) and Jean M Holtzman (Demonstrator in Physiology, London

School of Medicine for Women). Published in the English medical journal, The London Lancet.


Report #9

Drawing on earlier research into the treatment of wounds with urea, Muldavis and Holtzman began using urea crystals extensively in their hospital treatments of serious wounds and bums:

“The protein solvent properties of urea were first investigated by Spiro (1900) and independently by Ramsden (1902)… Symmers and Kirk (1915) reported on its bactericidal properties together with its use in the treatment of wounds. In spite of this article, the use of urea for wound therapy has apparently enjoyed little popularity in this country [England].

In America, however, it has recently been used for the treatment of various infected wounds by Robinson (1936) and by Holder and McKay

(1937), who found it extremely efficient. Moreover, it is a substance that is readily obtainable in quantity and is both cheap and stable. For these reasons it was thought desirable to test its efficacy in the casualty

department of the Royal Free Hospital (London)…

No toxic effects have been recorded even though the urea has been applied in solid form. We therefore decided to use both the saturated solution and crystals throughout.

The procedure employed was as follows: The wounds were syringed free from pus and necrotic (dead) material with a saturated solution of urea, excessive moisture was removed and the urea crystals were then liberally applied. Waxed paper was placed next to the crystals to keep 85Your Own Perfect Medicine

them in contact wit

h the wound and to prevent the dressing becoming soaked.

For a period of six months cases of the following types have been treated: (1)

Abscesses–superficial and deep lesions, (2) Infected traumatic

wounds of all descriptions, (3) infected hematomas (bruised areas), (4) Cellulitis, (inflamed subcutaneous tissue), (5) Septic wounds due to burns of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degree, (6) varicose ulcers, (7) carbuncles

(external staph infections), (8) Infected tenosynovitis (inflamed tendons) of the hand. In all, 170 cases have been treated. Notes were kept

on the progress of all of them…

With a view to comparing the efficiency of urea with that of other solutions, the cases at first selected for treatment were those which had

either behaved sluggishly with other antiseptics or had actually retrogressed. ‘The results obtained were so favorable that we began to use

urea more generally.


CASE 1. A man aged 27 presented a varicose ulcer…of the left leg…He had it for nearly 18 months without its having

healed. During this time it had been treated with Eastoplast and various other substances. At the time the urea treatment was begun the ulcer was of oval irregular outline with everted swollen edges and a floor covered with a whitish, foul smelling slough. The ulcer received the urea dressings daily for 14 days. After 2 days the foul odor had disappeared and after 4 days the base of the ulcer was covered by a mass of bright red granulations (new tissue). By the 14th day the skin edges had grown in and the size of the ulcer was 3/4 by 1/2 in. The floor was dry. The patient had a dry dressing and was discharged.

The ulcer was again examined 10 days after the patient’s discharge and was found to be completely healed.

CASE 2. A male aged 47 had a septic area on the…third right finger. This was drained but discharge of pus continued.

The wound was opened again when it was found that the infection had entered the tendon sheath. Adequate drainage was provided and the finger X-rayed. The wound was then treated with eusol baths. After several

days there was no attempt at healing. Urea treatment was started and after 3 days the ,

slough was removed

thus exposing the underlying tendon. Healthy granulations (new tissue) were present at this time. The urea

86The Research Evidence and Case Studies

treatment was continued. The patient was discharged 22 days after the treatment was begun, the wound having healed completely. There was no loss of function…

As will be seen from the above, we have used urea in a variety of casualty department cases. Owing to the extreme diffusibility of urea even the deepest wound can be treated effectively.

A very definite response to urea treatment is nearly always obtained after two or three applications…septic bums, even though they cover a very wide area, under this treatment become clean and form granulations so quickly that the surrounding epithelium is able to grow in with but little delay. The same prompt response is often

obtained in varicose ulcers. Coupled with this is a considerable decrease of edema as the local circulatory conditions improve. For the carbuncles (external staph infections), treated, we found urea preferable to any other

dressing after initial incision…

In none of the cases of our series did we observe any skin

reaction which could be called a urea dermatitis (rash), nor have we evidence of any toxic effects. We never saw a spread of sepsis (infection) under urea treatment or any undermining of the wound edges.

The advantages of the urea treatment are as follows: (1) It is cheap, the crystals costing one shilling per pound…(2) It produces no dermatitis. (3) It deodorizes foul smelling wounds. (4) By dissolving necrotic (dead) material, it produces a clean wound, so allowing healing to proceed.

(5) Local circulatory conditions are improved and healthy granulations (new tissues) are produced. (6) It has no

toxic effect and causes no necrosis (death) of living material. For this reason, unlike strong anti-septics it does not

destroy the “leucocytic barrier” essential to the organism’s defense. (7) Urea treatment has been successful

where other treatments have failed. (8) We found no contra-indications to its use.”

It seems extremely unfortunate, after reading this study, that safe, effective’and inexpensive urea was ignored as a general antiseptic and

wound treatment in favor of cortisone and antibiotic creams. Cortisone has been proven to be dangerous and toxic and antibiotics destroy good bacteria along with the bad. Also by using antibiotics routinely, we

p p


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87Your Own Perfect Medicine

have greatly reduced their effectiveness as bacterial strains have developed increasing resistance to them.


1941, by David J. Sandweiss, M.D., M.H. Sugarman, M.D., M.H.F. Friedman, Ph.D., H.C. Saltzstein, M.D., (Research aided by grants from the Mendelson Fund and Parke-Davis & Co.).


This is a report on clinical and laboratory studies indicating that urine extracts taken from pregnancy urine and normal urine, when given intravenously or injected, have beneficial and therapeutic effects on chronic duodenal ulcers and other types of stomach ulcers in humans and on experimentally induced animal stomach ulcers.

The researchers reported, among other things, that:

\1) urine contains a type of gastric secretory suppressant (or antacid)

called urogastrone, that can protect against irritation of the stomach lining that may lead to ulcers.

\2) certain urine extracts also encouraged healing of ulcers by stimulating the growth of new cells, tissues and blood vessels in the damaged


The study also discusses a pregnancy urine extract called Antuitrin S

which was reported to have a beneficial therapeutic effect on experimentally induced ulcers in animals..

In the report, urine extract therapy is compared to other ulcer drug treatments and diet changes and it was found in human testing that: “…a higher per cent of those [ulcer patients] treated with urine extract became symptom free during treatment (thus, a greater number enjoyed a maintenance diet sooner) and a much higher percent enjoyed longer symptom free intervals (thus, a greater number continued with a more liberal diet over a much longer period of time).

88The Research Evidence and Case Studies

This study references 13 other research studies before 1941 that were

also conducted on the beneficial effects of urine extracts in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

TITLE: THE WATER OF LIFE, (book) 1944, by John Armstrong. Report #11 This book was not written by a doctor or researcher, but it’s the most compelling and powerful book of testimonials ever written on the use

of urine therapy and deserves to be included in any work on urine therapy.

John Armstrong was just an “ordinary” Englishman with an extraordinary insight.

When he contracted tuberculosis at the age of 34 and later diabetes, he went to various doctors for help, but after two years of unsuccessful treatments, decided to look for his own solution to his

health problems. The solution he discovered was urine therapy.

After fasting for forty-five days on nothing but urine and water Armstrong reported that

“I felt and was ‘an entirely new man’. I weighed 140 lbs., was full of vim and looked about eleven years younger than I actually was.”

Armstrong was so amazed at his own recovery, that he began to advise

other people on how to cure themselves with urine fasting. His technique was so successful that many hundreds of people with everything

from cancer to heart disease, gangrene, kidney disease, venereal disease, obesity, prostrate problems and many other difficult disorders came to Armstrong for help and were cured. Armstrong himself reportedly lived healthily and happily ever after, well into his eighties, by maintaining a good diet, a healthful lifestyle and by ingesting a small daily dose of urine.

One thing lacking in Armstrong’s book is scientific evidence, but the

stories are so full of the incredible drama of dreadfully sick people getting miraculously well that most people who read it cease to care about

corroborative laboratory studies.

Armstrong’s book is a wonderful inspiration, but the fact that so much

scientific evidence supporting urine therapy does exist needs be recognized and made public because until it is, the majority of people will be

scared away from urine therapy by doctors and medical practitioners 89Your Dam Perfect Medicine

who insist that there are no laboratory and clinical studies supporting


Also, Armstrong’s method of extended urine and water fasts is very radical and is definitely not advisable for home use, especially since Armstrong supervised his patients extremely carefully and provided certain conditions for his fasts which are not easily duplicated today. John Arm-strong’s book is an inspiring compilation of testimonials and makes excellent reading for everyone interested in urine therapy


ON BACTERIA, by Louis Weinstein and Alice McDonald, 1946, From the Evans Memorial, Massachusetts Memorial Hospitals, and

the Department of Medicine, Boston,Massachusetts.


This study is only one of several conducted on the anti-bacterial properties of urea by the two researchers, Weinstein and McDonald. In this

report, they discuss previous research into the antibacterial effect of urea and report that their studies also confirmed that urea will both inhibit the growth and destroy many different types of bacteria such as those that cause dysentery, typhoid, and staph and strep infections: “Urea and urethane are bacteriostatic and bactericidal for a number of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria…”

In other words, this study proved, as did others like it, that urea can

stop the growth or kill many different types of disease bacteria. This particular study on urea is also good example of why synthetic drug compounds should not routinely be considered for use in the place of basic or natural medicinal elements.

As Weinstein and McDonald stated, they used both urea and a chemically synthesized urea compound called urethane to kill bacteria and

they recommended both urea and urethane for medical use as anti-bacterial agents. 90r



The Research Evidence and Case Studies

Weinstein and McDonald discovered that urethane (made by heating

urea and mixing it with alcohol and other synthetic agents) was sometimes a faster and deadlier “kill” than urea alone on bacteria, and so

emphasized its use over simple urea. But what they didn’t realize at

the time was that urethane has a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effect on t•=1 the body.

As the Fourth Annual Report on Carcinogens, 1985 stated: “This substance (urethane] may reasonably be anticipated to be a carcinogen”. A

review of urethane’s carcinogenic action was also reported in the journal of Advanced Cancer Research in 1968.

So you can see how extremely dangerous errors can be made by scientists experimenting with new and “improved” synthetic drugs. In

Weinstein and McDonald’s day, there was no way of knowing or predicting how urethane would affect the body in the long term. And the

same is true today of new drugs that initially seem like miracle cures but later tum out to be deadly substances.

Compound urine-derivative drugs may seem superior in the minds of medical researchers, and even consumers, but what good are they if they later prove to be harmful or even fatal? Simple urea and urine have been shown to be safe over nearly a full century of scientific study and use, so it certainly makes sense to start using them routinely in medicine before resorting to potentially dangerous compound chemical drugs.

TITLE: URINE THERAPY, 1947, by Professor J. Plesch, M.D., From an Report #13


Dr. Plesch, an English physician, used natural urine injections in his

medical practice extensively and with excellent success on a large variety of disease conditions:

“…In fact, my recommendation to use the urine of the infected person for auto-vaccination is only an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur and therefore it is strange that auto-urine vaccination has not

91Your Own Perfect Medicine

been used before. The main difference between the Pasteur-Fenner

methods and auto-urine therapy lies in the fact that by inoculating the fresh urine of the patient the active infectious material has been weakened by passage through the recipient’s own


I am convinced from my experience that it is worthwhile investigating this method systematically with respect to all infectious diseases, including poliomyelitis, etc.

Moreover, during the application of this therapy, I observed some remarkable effects. Among my first patients whom I treated by urine

therapy was a typical case of asthma. Immediately after the first injection and before the vaccination effect had time to develop, this patient

lost his daily attacks of asthma.

Following up this clue, I found that anaphylactic (allergic) persons

could be desensitized by the auto-urine injection. Subsequent investigation convinced me that auto-urine therapy could be used with considerable advantage against all kinds of anaphylactic (allergic) diseases, such as hayfever, urticaria, (hives), disfunction of the

intestinal tract such as cramps, etc. It also relieved migraine and other spastic conditions.

Since I started the auto-urine therapy three years ago, I have given several hundred injections and I have not come across a single case where the patient suffered any harm.

It is for this reason, and because the method is so simple that is

can be used by any practitioner without any difficulties, that I decided to publish my findings at this early stage.

The observations which I have quoted are without doubt sufficient to indicate to the expert that a completely new field of research is being opened up which may entail considerable additions to our knowledge of bacteriology, immunology and serology.

The fresh urine of men is practically sterile and that of women, too, if the exterior genitalia have been cleaned previously. For purposes of immediate injection the urine may therefore be collected directly into sterile vessels…

The application is very simple indeed. The most suitable method is intragluteal injection. When using urine as an auto-vaccine I found

that usually one injection of a quarter to a half cc. of fresh urine is sufficient. In anaphylactic (allergy) cases I have found it useful to start


92r C C

The Research Evidence and Case Studies

with 5 cc. of fresh urine and to repeat the injections with diminishing doses down to 1/2 cc. of fresh urine…

Thus urine can be used for immunization or desensitization. Treatment with the patient’s own urine is indicated against bacterial or

virus infections and against allergic conditions…Moreover, the hormonal end products and enzymes contained in the urine

make it probable that this method may be useful against metabolic disturbances such as diabetes and gout and against

derangements of the ovarial or thyroid, etc. functions.” CASE STUDIES


(1) Miss M. —14 years old. At school several attacks of icterus (jaundice). Since 2/1/45 depressed, headaches, no

appetite, coated tongue, somewhat increased temperature. Blown up feeling in the abdomen, pains in the right

hypogastritum 13/1, Fully developed jaundice, urine dark brown. 16/1, Intragluteal injection of 1/2 cc. own urine. No local reaction. 31/1. Jaundice symptoms in the skin, sclera and urine disappeared entirely. Feeling well again.


(2) Lance-Corporal L. — 28 years of age. Joined New Zealand forces 1942. Contracted infective hepatitis in

Africa. After hospital treatment the icterus (jaundice) disappeared, a feeling of weakness, intestinal troubles and

depression remained. In the following years repeated hospital treatment. Has been X-rayed several times for duodenal ulcer and gallstones. Since then he dragged

himself about complaining of loss of appetite, tiredness

and indifference, pains in the abdomen after food, constipation, distension and abdominal discomfort with flatulence. 14/3/45, Injection with 1/2 cc. fresh urine.

The patient’s report is as follows — felt better after injection. 15/3, felt normal, bowels regular. 16/3, Feeling

quite normal except for tenderness in stomach. 17/3, No change. 21/3, Quite well, but tenderness in stomach worse. 24/3, Sore throat, feverish, feeling weak and depressed. 25/3, Cannot eat, sore throat, feverish, weak. 26/3, Eating. Sore throat better. 29/3, Feels quite well, 93

CYour Own Perfect Medicine

bowels regular, strength returned…3/4, No change, still in high spirits, feel well. 26/8, Patient writes: I enjoyed 100 percent improvement in my health, I am eating well,

sleeping well and feel very active with no stomach tenderness or sickness. ASTHMA

(4) Mister T. – 17 years of age. First asthma attack at the age of one:- – “Flushy, cyanotic, gasping for breath. Attacks last for hours.” Change of domicile brought no relief. Daily attacks. Asthmatic deformation of thorax. 12/10/45, Injection of 2 cc. fresh urine. No asthma until 8/11/45, after exertion. In the afternoon 2 cc. of fresh

urine. Within five minutes attack ceases. Strong local reaction for 30 hours. 30/12, Starting cold, but with only very slight attacks of asthma. Since last injection no strong attack. 12/4/46. After renewed injection on 25/4 of 1/2 cc. of fresh urine, the attacks stop.


(5) Mr. J.B. – 44 years of age. Since childhood severe hayfever at the end of May. 31/5/46, 2 cc. fresh urine injected. 8/6, new injection of 2 cc. 9/6, slight running and burning sensation of the eyes began but the hayfever did not develop further and disappeared entirely on 20/6/46.


(8) Lady H. – 32 years of age. Married. Complaints since

childhood. Complaints about distention, flatulence, digestive troubles…attacks of severe migraine (which) occur

regularly before menstruation. 4/4/45, 2 cc. of fresh urine injected. Injection repeated on 10/4 and 17/4. In the last two years no digestive troubles, no migraine attacks any more before menstruation. Other spastic symptoms have also disappeared.


(9) Mr. F. – 43 years. At 20 years of age polyarthritis with

chorea (nervous disorder). Mitral insufficiency which led to an enormous dilation of the left auricle. Severe attacks of heart weakness. In the last four years repeated fits of pulmonal edema with bloody sputum. For the last two years this condition is aggravated by bronchial asthma.

First injection 12/1/46 with 3 cc. fresh urine. On the day 94The Research Evidence and Case Studies

of injection patient feels much better, after 24 hours severe

attack of asthma. Heart becomes weak and must be treated. Only slight asthma; on 3/3 2 cc. fresh urine injected.

Severe attack of heart weakness, sleep is disturbed. Since then patient recovered; not only have his attacks of bronchial asthma ceased, but the condition of the heart has also improved substantially He is able to lie down again and can take some exercise. Since the last injection patient does not require any cardiac medicine.


(3) Master. W. — 4-1/2 years of age. Developed a severe fit of coughing with vomiting. Whooping-cough epidemic

in the village. Urine injection given…In the night, severe

fit of coughing with thick phlegm and mucus, sick feeling…Next day, feeling much better in every way, no

whooping or return of chronic asthma. His mother later

writes “Child better than ever, is free from asthma since the first injections [several weeks ago)”, Have seen the child [four months after injections]. He is developing physically without any disturbance. Chronic eczema and blepharedenitis (inflammation of the eyelids) also healed.

Plesch reports on many more successful cases during his

clinical use of urine therapy and the results are so impressive that it seems hard to believe that urine therapy has

received so little public attention as an over-all medical treatment for both adults and children.


BACILLI, 1951 by Dr. K.B. Bjornesjo, From the Department of Medical Chemistry, Uppsala, Sweden.


Report #14

Although some medical researchers for many years had been aware that different body fluids such as serum and saliva had an inhibitory

effect on tuberculosis bacteria, Bjornesjo, a Scandinavian researcher, discovered that urine was much more effective that any other body fluids

in arresting the growth of tuberculosis bacilli:

95Your Own Perfect Medicine

“In a preliminary experiment performed in this laboratory employing (solutions of) saliva, serum and urine from different subjects…it became

apparent that under the experimental conditions the inhibitory effect of saliva and serum was very weak…On the other hand urine seemed to have a considerably stronger inhibitory effect and a concentration of 50 per cent urine in (a) medium completely inhibited the growth of the tubercule bacilli in most cases…”

Bjomesjo conducted extensive testing of the anti-tuberculosis property of urine and concluded that:

\1) The majority of urines examined showed a strong inhibitory effect of the growth of the tubercule bacteria.

\2) Human urine also has a bactericidal (bacteria-killing) effect on tuberculosis bacteria.

\3) The anti-TB element of urine was shown in laboratory tests to be present in tuberculin positive and negative individuals and also

in healthy vegetarians and in patients with active tuberculosis.

\4) The presence of urine in the urinary tract exerts an anti-TB effect that can influence the course and spreading of tuberculosis in the urinary tract itself.

Bjomesjo’s experiments dearly demonstrated that human urine could

inhibit the growth and even completely destroy the tuberculosis bacteria, but he was unable to identify which element in urine is responsible

for its anti-tubercule activity

Actually, Bjornesjo tried for many years to determine the anti-tubercular element in urine, so that it could be isolated, but he was never successful. It wasn’t until 1965 that Japanese researchers discovered and

isolated this mystery anti-TB element in urine —14 years after Bjomesjo’s first attempts.

Bjomesjo considered the possibility that urea is the antitubercular agent

in urine, but he ruled this out, perhaps prematurely. In his experiments, Bjornesjo only considered the anti-bacterial strength of a 2 per

cent solution of urea, which is the average amount of urea found in normal urine. However, as later research in 1961 (see Dr. Schlegel),

showed, urea in higher concentrations (8%) does inhibit or destroy both :71 gram negative and gram positive bacteria. So even though specific

anti-tubercular agents other than urea are in urine, urea most likely also plays a role.


The Research Evidence and Case Studies

But again, if we were to use a urea extract alone in treating TB, rather than whole urine, the important anti-tubercular element in whole urine that Bjornesjo discovered would be eliminated from our treatment, which indicates that a combination of whole urine and urea could offer an extremely effective TB treatment.



by Dr. Quentin Myrvik, R. Weiser, B. Houglum, and L. Berger. From the Department of Microbiology, University of Washington School of

Medicine, Seattle, Washington.

When Bjornesjo discovered that urine can inhibit or destroy the bacteria

that causes tuberculosis, , rather than use this information to support traditional urine therapy, he conducted several more intensive research

studies in an attempt to determine what exactly if was in the urine that killed the TB bacillus so that it could be isolated and produced in drug form but, as we said his research was unsuccessful.

This particular study was another attempt by several other researchers to find the mystery element in urine that destroyed TB bacteria and they suggested that it might be the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in urine:

“The idea that the ascorbic acid of urine and serum may exert tuberculostatic action is not new…These observations are not inconsistent

with the concept of the present writers that the tuberculostatic activity of urine reported by Bjornesjo in some way depends on ascorbic acid.” This assumption was incorrect. It wasn’t until several years later, in the following study done in 1965, that Japanese researchers were able to partially identify what it was in urine that stopped the growth of TB bacteria.

97Your Own Perfect Medicine


Shusuke Tsuji, et. al, From the Fifth Division of the Tuberculosis Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan.

In one of the opening statements of this report, the researchers comment that: “The vast majority of Japanese adults are tuberculin positive…”

which is apparently why the laboratory evidence of urine’s anti-TB

property was of interest to Japanese researchers and why they conducted their own search for the anti-TB element in urine:

“In short, although it has been a well known fact that human urine has definite capacity to inhibit the growth of tubercule bacilli…the chemical nature of the active substance has been obscure. In our investigations it . has become clear that at least one of the active agents is a polypeptide.” Although these researchers did identify one of the active elements in urine’s tuberculostatic activity as a polypeptide (which is a chain of

amino acids), they also admitted that there are other “as yet undetermined agents” responsible for urine’s anti-TB property.

Most of us in the U.S. have no concept of the seriousness of tuberculosis, because our plentiful food sources, excellent sanitation and modern drugs seemed to have eliminated this formerly dreaded disease. But only recently, this article, which was mentioned in Chapter 3, revealed that TB is a modern-day threat:

The Associated Press Friday, October 8, 1993

WASHINGTON— New cases of tuberculosis are increasing at an alarming rate, posing a special threat to the poor and people with the

virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), congressional analysts reported Thursday…The congressional report said


The fact that TB and other disease microorganisms are now resistant to 5 many of our chemical drugs should set off an alarm somewhere in our consciousness. The whole point of evolution is adaptation and

survival, and as this article, and others like it reveal, disease germs are 98The Research Evidence and Case Studies

obviously surviving by adapting natural defenses to our chemical drugs - but are we adapting natural defenses to the germs?

How can our natural immune defenses possibly develop and adapt normally to new and stronger strains of disease microorganisms, when we constantly override our bodies’ natural responses to disease with unnatural drugs? For years, we’ve interfered with even the most basic of our bodies’ natural defenses, such as fever, by substituting chemical drugs for critical natural immune responses to infections and disease. A crucial fact that we have overlooked in this era of modern medicine is that the body itself has the innate natural ability to adapt and change to new disease influences, but chemical drugs do not.

We might think that medical scientists can keep coming up with newer and stronger drugs to combat new microorganisms, but drug research

isn’t routinely successful and it takes many years to develop new treatments. Many of us could well be victims of these new bacteria and

viruses, such as AIDS, long before our scientists figure out what these organisms are and how they kill us.

Natural medicinal substances, like herbs or urine, or homeopathic medicines, are traditionally known for their ability to gently assist and support our bodies’ own immune functions rather than overriding them

through strong chemical intervention, which is why we need to emphasize their use and decrease our dependence on drugs. The ‘immunebashing’ methods of today’s conventional medicine may prove to be

our undoing if we continue to use them as irresponsibly as we do today


IN HUMAN SUBJECTS, 1956, From the Joumal of the American Medical Association.


This is an interesting and precedent-setting study The two university doctors who conducted this research were intrigued by the possibility 7 that urea, which was known to be an excellent natural diuretic, could also be used to reduce excess fluid pressure on the brain and spinal

cord which were created by various disease conditions or abnormalitiesYour Own Perfect Medicine

such as brain tumors, hydrocephalus (water on the brain), cerebral hemorrhage or meningitis.

Excessive intracranial pressure can be extremely dangerous and, if

severe and unrelieved, can cause death, so it is of utmost importance to

relieve this pressure or inflammation as quickly and effectively as possible without causing harmful side effects. Swelling and pressure in the

cerebral cavity and spinal area also create problems during brain surgery.

The researchers, in this preliminary study, laid the groundwork for the use of urea in reducing such pressure:

“The purpose of this report is to describe findings in a preliminary study to determine the safety and efficiency with which urea might be used intravenously for the purpose of reducing intracranial pressure. Many (other) agents have been used for this purpose but each has some undesirable action that limits or prohibits its use.”

In the study, the doctors report good results in clinical trials on patients with excessive cranial pressure:

“…it was found that the average pressure drop produced by urea was

4.5 times greater than that caused by sucrose or dextrose (and)…the urea effects were much longer lasting.”

The clinical use of urea as a diuretic is also discussed:

“Urea has, however, been used clinically for other purposes than reduction of intracranial tension. It has long been recognized to be an effective diuretic agent.

Salter states: ‘One of the most effective diuretic

agents is urea, nature’s own non-electrolytic diuretic.’ For the purpose of promoting diuresis it is administered by the oral route, 20 gm. two to five times daily.”

Urea’s successful historical use in combination with sulfa drugs is also commented on in relation to treating meningitis with urea:

“LaLonde and Gardner gave urea in conjunction with sulfonamides in the treatment of meningitis… •

It is thus evident that the clinical use of urea is not without precedent. It is a normal body metabolite that is well tolerated in large doses…”

The success of this preliminary study on the use of urea in neurosurgery encouraged further research. The next study was one of sever-p

r p r

The Research Evidence and Case Studies

al follow-up research projects and clinical trials that established urea as

an effective agent in treating many different disorders involving excessive fluid pressure in the body.

TITLE: UREA—NEW USE OF AN OLD AGENT, 1957. From a Report #18

Symposium on Surgery of the Head and Neck.



Because of the encouraging results of the previous urea research, doctors conducted this more intensive study which included extensive clinical trials using urea on 300 patients with a wide variety of disorders

including brain tumors, hydrocephalus (water on the brain), migraines, glaucoma, meningitis, brain abscess, retinal detachment and premenstrual edema. Results of these trials were so successful, doctors concluded that:

“This agent (urea) has a definite place in the therapeutic armamentarium of neurologists and neurosurgeons… The combination of urea and

10 per cent invert sugar is now used routinely in the neurosurgical service for intravenous administration…”

There were reports on remarkable cases in which the clinical use of urea was literally life-saving as in the case of a woman who developed severe swelling or edema of the brain after the surgical removal of a small brain tumor:

„.On the fourth postoperative day, she developed signs of increased

intracranial pressure. In the course of a few hours, she became progressively lethargic and then suddenly she became unresponsive…Her

pupils became dilated and fixed, her systolic blood pressure rose… Preparations were underway to take her to the operating room for the removal of a bone flap.

Urea was administered intravenously as an emergency measure.

Within 20 minutes from the start of injection her blood pressure hadYour Ours Perfect Medicine

returned to normal and her pupils began to react…to light. From this

time on, her recovery was uneventful…

In this case, urea was definitely life-saving, because prior to its

administration the patient was in critical condition and her survival until surgical decompression could be done was unlikely…

In many similar instances urea was found to be life-saving.”

The researchers commented on the urea treatment of another patient

who had a brain tumor surgically removed but developed another massive brain tumor three months later:

“…the patient received 256 ml. of 30 per cent urea. The bulging mass “…had completely disappeared by the end of two hours .

On the diuretic properties of urea, the doctors reported:

“Urea is one of the most useful nonmetabolized, nonelectrolyte

diuretics. Its diuretic property does not diminish after prolonged administration, as is the case with acid-producing salts.”

In observing its effect on relieving fluid pressure on the eyes in glaucoma and other ophthalmic patients, researchers stated that:

“Urea has been administered to 25 patients with acute and chronic glaucoma, orbital tumors, retinal detachment and other conditions. In comparing the effect of urea with Wiamoz1 on intraocular pressure, urea was found to be more effective…”

Urea, as studies and doctors and researchers have proven, is a safe,

non-toxic, remarkably effective and inexpensive diuretic – but unfortunately, it’s not even listed in any diuretic capacity in the Physician’s

Desk Reference (PDR) which is the doctors guide to approved drug


But Diamox, the synthetic diuretic which doctors said was less effective than urea, is listed in the PDR – even though it’s been proven that urea was safer and more effective than Diamox and several other synthetic

diuretics and urea is FDA approved. So why should Diamox be recommended to physicians rather than urea for diuretic use?

Diamox is a sulfa drug and like all sulfa drugs, it can be dangerous.

The Physician’s Desk Reference (1992) warns that “fatalities have

occurred” with Diamox and that it can cause severe allergic reactions,The Research Evidence and Case Studies

bone marrow depression, a decrease in white blood cells, anemia, and a host of other equally horrific side effects.

On the other hand, urea is an effective, inexpensive diuretic and has no side-effects or toxicity and it’s FDA approved. But doctors don’t know

this – instead they are directed to prescribe Diamox or some other ‘recommended’ form of diuretic drug treatment being pushed by the drug

companies. It’s hard to believe that the conventional medical establishment is complaining to patients and the media about “snake-oil” sellers

and phony medical claims that the public supposedly needs protection from, when obviously cogent medical research like that done on urea is p

so completely ignored.

Another point to consider is that synthetic diuretics alter the sodium/potassium (or electrolyte) balance of the body which can cause

havoc with your health. But as the researchers pointed out, urea is a non-electrolytic diuretic that safely reduces fluid pressure in the body and its effects last longer than other diuretics.

Most people and practicing doctors have never heard of the oral use of urea, but it’s not uncommon in medical research. The doctors in this study and many other researchers have given large doses of urea by mouth, as well as intravenously:

“… Urea has also been used by mouth in tablet form, or in powder dissolved in such [things) as unsweetened fruit juices…”

This study like so many before it, again proved that urea was a safe medicinal agent, even in large doses, as well as being extremely simple and effective:

Dosages. “…After urea was proved to be a safe agent which was well tolerated in large doses, the dosage was increased until, today, in the majority of the patients, it is 1 gram per kilogram of body weight…” Because of the success of the preliminary clinical trials using urea on a variety of disease conditions doctors recommended that:

“Further trials of urea are warranted in [the treatment of]: encephalopathies (abnormal conditions of the structure of function of tissues of the brain)… Meniere’s disease (disease of the inner ear), ‘prei menstrual edema, eclampsia (the gravest form of toxemia in pregnancy), ocular surgery, glaucoma, delirium tremens, epilepsy…” Researchers reported that they were undertaking further extensive

research studies on the medical applications of urea.Your r Own Perfect Medicine



Jorge Cuellar and R.M. O’Dell, From Tulane University, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, New Orleans, Louisiana. This research was supported by Public Health Service Grants and Abbott Laboratories.


Drawing on earlier historical research into urea’s anti-bacterial properties, Schlegel and his associates conducted this study to determine what

effect urea would have on bacteria commonly found in urinary tract infections such as bladder and kidney infections:

“It has been known since 1906 that urea has a bacteriostatic effect in altering the shape of pathogenic organisms (Peju and Rajat and Wilson).

Symmers and Kirk in 1915 used urea powder as a disinfectant in the treatment of wounds. It has also been used locally for preventing the spread of disease in surgery. Foshay (1935) used urea locally in otitis (ear infections) with good results.

McKay and Schroeder (1936) experimented with the use of urea on polio and rabies viruses and found that the viruses were weakened and finally destroyed by urea. Holder and Mackay (1943) used urea locally to stimulate new tissue in wounds and to remove dead tissue…

Weinstein and McDonald (1945) showed the bactericidal effect of urea on microorganisms„.11 was shown to be effective against typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery bacilli…

Based on these findings, we proceeded to study the effect of urea in

concentrations within physiological ranges on certain bacteria commonly found in urinary tract infections.”

Even though they were unable to determine the mechanism whereby

urea inhibited or killed the bacteria, Schlegel and his associates did conclude that:

“From the results obtained, it would appear that urea had a bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect on all organisms tested…As would be expected,

the higher concentrations of urea and longer exposure were more effective.”p The Research Evidence and Case Studies

This point is important because it demonstrates that as we increase the

urea concentrations in our urine, we increase the germ-fighting properties of our urine, which is an important function of the body in resisting

or defeating bacterial invasions as in bladder and kidney infections. So how do we increase our bodies’ urea levels? As the following study by Dr. Donald Kaye demonstrated, one way is by taking urea orally or by injection, as patients in his clinical trials did; another method is by

ingesting our own urine, which, because it naturally contains urea, also increases urea concentrations in our systems.

One popular conventional medical treatment for urinary tract infections

that does not increase urea levels, but actually dilutes urea, is the practice of force- drinking copious amounts of water or liquids to supposedly help cure urinary tract infections. This practice of force-drinking

water to increase urine excretion is called water diuresis.

As Schlegel, and other researchers and clinical trials demonstrated, concentrated urine is actually a vital natural defense against urinary tract

infections, including kidney infections, and diluting it by greatly increased forced-water intake is apparently an erroneous practice. As Schlegel and his associates commented:

“Water diuresis results in urea concentration in urine so low that there would be no bactericidal effect due to urea.

One consequently wonders about the rationale of instituting water diuresis by forced water intake as supportive therapy in acute pyelonephritis [kidney infection] or other urinary tract infections.”

In other words, Schlegel is saying that it isn’t logical to drink large amounts of water to combat urinary tract infections, because the water dilutes the urine and its urea content which subsequently destroys or greatly decreases the urine’s natural anti-bacterial action which the body uses as a natural defense against urinary tract infection.

Schlegel also observed that chronic kidney infection is associated with an inability to concentrate urine. This means that the kidney infection

may be fueled by the fact that the urine or urea in the system isn’t concentrated enough to exert its anti-bacterial action, and consequently

can’t help fight the infection:

“This finding helps to confirm that with a loss of ability to concentrate

urine and the accompanying loss of ability to concentrate urea, as seenYour Own Perfect Medicine

in advanced chronic pyelonephritis [kidney infection], the anti-bacterial concentration of urea cannot be achieved.”

As Schlegel comments, when the body’s urea concentration is diluted

by such things as drinking large quantities of water or by kidney malfunction, the body loses its important natural capacity to use urea as an

anti-bacterial defense.

Researchers have also discovered that acidic urine is more anti-bacterial than non-acidic urine. But again, drinking water large amounts of

water makes urine less acidic and therefore less anti-bacterial.

In the book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice written in 1975 by two researchers from Miles Laboratories, the researchers also observe

that by drinking large amounts of water, the natural anti-bacterial-promoting acidity of urine is destroyed:

“If a large amount of water is ingested by a human, a corresponding diuresis or increase in urine excretion occurs. At this time, the pH of

the urine tends to become relatively fixed at a value quite close to neutrality. This phenomenon may be interpreted as an indication

that the normal process of urine pH adjustment does not have an opportunity to function effectively…”

The researchers also stated that:

“The presence of a urinary tract infection may cause the urine to become quite definitely and persistently alkaline due to the action of urea splitting organisms.”

In other words, an infection itself makes the urine less acid and therefore less anti- bacterial than it should be, so logically, it doesn’t make

sense to further dilute the urine’s bacteria-fighting properties by drinking large amounts of water as a treatment for the infection.

Cranberry juice has been suggested as a method for increasing the antibacterial acidity of urine, but as the next study by Dr. Donald Kaye

demonstrated, the urea concentration and not the acidity of the urine appears to be the primary factor in urine’s antibacterial activity, and force-drinking fluids does not contribute to urea concentration in the urine.

For women who have or have had urinary tract infections, more commonly referred to as bladder infections, you know what your doctor

invariably tells you to do — drink lots of fluids and take medication, right?r

The Research Evidence and Case Studies

But there are two major problems with this scenario. First, as we’ve discussed, drinking large amounts of fluid dilutes the antibacterial activity of your urine which makes it harder for your body to overcome the urinary tract infection.

Secondly, one of the medications which doctors invariably prescribe for

the pain associated with bladder infections is Pyridium, (phenazopyridine hydrochloride). Unfortunately, Pyridium is a known carcinogen.

The 1985 Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens states that Pyridium, (also known as Bisteril, Pyridicil and Uridinal), which has been used for 40 years as an analgesic drug to reduce the

pain of urinary tract infections, is actually a known carcinogen:

“…in female mice it significantly increased the incidence of adenomas and carcinomas (cancer), and…In male and female rats it induced tumors of the colon and rectum.”

4.4 million prescriptions of this drug were dispensed in 1980, and it is still routinely prescribed for the pain of urinary tract infections today. The next time you get a urinary tract infection, try urine therapy first — it’s indisputably safer, cheaper, and much more effective than water, cranberry juice and Pyridium. And you can monitor your own

progress at home with the same dipsticks the doctors use to determine if you have a urinary tract infection (see section on urine testing you can do at home in Chapter 6.)

The next research study was also done on the role of urine in preventing or healing urinary tract infections, and it also demonstrated that

urine can inhibit or kill bacteria when the urea concentration is sufficiently elevated.


Dr. Donald Kaye (Associate Professor of Medicine, Cornell University

Medical College, New York).

Many researchers in the past have looked for the answer as to why urine from one person is anti-bacterial, while a urine sample from

another individual is not. Several studies over the course of the twentieth century confirmed that urine can definitely be anti-bacterial and,

based on a number of these studies, researchers speculated that

increased acid levels in urine made it antibacterial (which is the reasonYour Chun Perfect Medicine

why cranberry juice, which acidifies the urine, is recommended for urinary tract infections).

But, Dr. Donald Kaye disagreed that acidity was the major factor in making urine anti-bacterial. He felt that, although acidity contributed to urine’s anti-bacterial properties, no one had yet confirmed the real factor behind this natural activity of urine.

So in 1968 he undertook a research study in order to demonstrate that the bactericidal properties of urine were related not so much to acidity or other factors, but more to the urea concentration in the urine.

In the study, Kaye showed that it was primarily urea levels, rather than organic acids or other factors that were responsible for the antibacterial action of urine:

“The results of the present study provide evidence for the role of urea in human urine as an antibacterial agent.

They also suggest that within the ranges of concentration commonly

achieved in human urine, antibacterial activity is more a function of

urea content than of organic add concentration, or ammonium concentration.”

Kaye demonstrated that by increasing the concentration of urea in urine, you could directly increase the urine’s ability to stop the growth of the disease-causing bacteria:

“…These experiments demonstrated that supplementation with urea markedly increased the inhibitory quality of the urine…”

Kaye also mentions several other researchers who had demonstrated that concentrated urea was anti-bacterial:

“There are previous studies suggesting that urea may contribute to antibacterial activity of urine…Schlegel, Cuellar and O’Dell found that urea in nutrient broth…has antibacterial activity in concentrations of 1- 4 000 ml…

Neter and Clark showed that addition of urea to human urine markedly increased antibacterial activity.

Finally, Schlegel, Raffi, Flinner, and O’Dell, Brazil, and Schlegel were able to decrease the incidence of urinanj tract infection in dogs and rats by administering urea after introduction of bacteria into the urinary

tract.”When you re-ingest your urine, you are essentially ingesting additional

urea. And as Kaye demonstrated in his study, by orally ingesting additional urea, we increase the concentration of urea in the system, and

consequently increase the antibacterial action of our urine:

“Urine collected from volunteers after ingestion of urea demonstrated a

marked increase in antibacterial activity, as compared with urine collected before ingestion of urea…

In each subject the urea concentration was increased by at least 0.5 grams of urea nitrogen/100ml of urine after ingestion of urea.”, There is evidence that there is a link between acidity in urine and its antibacterial action, but, as Kaye comments:

“None of the studies made an intensive effort to elucidate the factors that may contribute to inhibitory activity of urine and to determine the relative importance of each factor.”

Kaye also demonstrates, as did Schlegel, that drinking large amounts of water to promote urine output (diuresis) markedly decreases the antibacterial activity of urine, which in turn decreases one of your body’s natural infection-fighting mechanisms:

“Urine…collected before diuresis was bactericidal for E. Coli strain 14, whereas urine obtained during diuresis supported the growth of this strain…

The results of the present study and those of Roberts and Beard and Asscher et al. suggest that antibacterial activity of human urine may be an important factor in preventing urinary tract infection and may also

help to select (affect the reproduction of) bacterial strains when infection does occur.”

In view of all this supportive data on the antibacterial properties of urea, it becomes dearer as to why urine therapy has long been

observed to be extremely effective in combatting many different types of infection.


nYour Own Perfect Medicine


NORMAL HUMAN URINE, 1962, by Martin Lerner, Jack Remington and

Maxwell Finland, Journal of Clinical Investigation. (From the Throndike Memorial Laboratory, Harvard Medical Services, Boston City

Hospital, and the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston Massachusetts, Journal of Clinical Investigation.


The research in this study was based in large part on several previous studies on the presence of important natural antibodies that have been found in urine.

Actually, there are so many research studies that have been done on the presence of antibodies in urine that it would be impossible to discuss them all, so we’ll look at this study and one other, both of which give a good general overview of the subject.

We all know the importance of anti-bodies in fighting disease. When

we are exposed to foreign organisms which our bodies sense as threatening, our immune system produces a wide variety of antibodies which

attack, weaken and destroy the intruders.

Most of us think that these antibodies are found only in our blood. But

numerous research studies have proven that a wide variety of antibodies are also present in our urine when we are fighting disease - and

these important antibodies can be reused by the body in urine therapy. As this study in 1962 revealed, urine antibodies are extremely effective disease-fighters and are capable of actively neutralizing or destroying even the aggressive polio virus:

Neutralizing activity for the poliovirus was demonstrated in protein concentrates prepared from the urine of a number of normal subjects. The biologic characteristics of the neutralizing activity in the urine resembled those of specific antibody found in blood.

This neutralizing substance of the urine has the essential characteristics of antibody. Further studies on the biochemical and

physical characterization of this and other urinary antibodies are in progress.

This report also revealed that several other types of urine anti-bodies

have been found in other research studies:”Antibodies to cholera and typhoid have been found in the unconcentrated urine of normal volunteers immunized with the corresponding


Antibodies to diphtheria, pneumonia, leptospira and salmonella bacteria have also been found in the urine of immunized or infected individuals.” The medical community may argue that the re-use of urine antibodies through urine therapy isn’t significant because antibodies aren’t always found in urine during disease and they are not sufficiently concentrated

enough to control or combat disease even when they are found – but this isn’t true.

The researchers in this study on polio urine antibodies clearly stated that even minute concentrations of detected or undetected antibodies can control and fight disease:

“It is known, however, that the presence of antibody, even in amounts which are not detectable by conventional methods, may prevent disease and detection of virus…”.

In another research report published in 1967 by immunologists from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York on the presence of polioantibody in urine, the researchers confirmed that:

“It is clear that IGA polioantibody is present in…urine…It seems likely

that antibodies of this type may play a part in the defense against invasion of micro-organisms.” (Demonstration of IgA Polioantibody in

Saliva, Duodenal Fluid and Urine, 1967).”

In other words, as these two studies demonstrate, natural urine antibodies do not necessarily need to be chemically concentrated in drug

form in order to be active and effective, and, as we’ve seen, natural substances in their natural environment are safer and less toxic to use,

which means that reusing urine antibodies through urine therapy is extremely significant.

Another important aspect of reusing urine antibodies during urine therapy that I’ve mentioned before is the fact that your urine antibodies are

specific to your particular health conditions. When you reingest your

urine, you get the benefit of your body’s “custom-made” antibodies to combat diseases you may not even know you have.

The recent outbreaks of food poisoning from contaminated beef and

chicken presents an important indication for the use of urine and ureaYour Own Perfect Medicine

therapy. Urine, as you’ve read, contains natural antibodies to food contaminants such as salmonella in infected individuals, and many people

have reported excellent success in treating food poisoning with urine therapy. Also, concentrated urea’s excellent bactericidal properties can also contribute to treating bacterial infections such as food poisoning.

In serious, hospitalized cases, the administration of the patient’s urine

combined with injected or intravenous urea would provide a combination of natural antibodies, critical immune defense factors and concentrated urea levels that could prove to be of enormous efficacy in treating food poisoning and bacterial and viral infections of all kinds.

As a nation, we spend an enormous amount of time and money hying

to diagnose what disorders we have and usually end up with an antibiotic or drug that may or may not be the right one for our ‘non-specific’

illness. Urine therapy provides an alternative to this practice, because we don’t have to diagnose every condition we have in order for it to be effective.

Urine therapy is completely safe and applicable to a huge variety of

conditions, in addition to being an excellent preventative health treatment. There are many instances when your immune system is dealing

with a health threat long before overt symptoms appear. With urine

therapy, however, urine antibodies, hormones, enzymes and extremely

complex nutritional elements can help combat illnesses before symptoms appear and even before they’re detectable by conventional diagnostic studies.


by Dr. Carmelo Giordano, from the Renal Laboratory, Naples University School of Medicine.

This study has to do with one of the most difficult problems in renal, or kidney disorders, which is the patient’s impaired ability to synthesize, or in other words, break down and use protein. Protein is normally broken down into nitrogen and other constituents by both the liver and the kidneys, but when the kidneys malfunction because of infection, damage, etc. and can’t break down protein efficiently, protein depletion occurs, nitrogen levels are altered in the body and the person’s health is severely threatened.

However, some researchers, such as Giordano, have discovered that ca

urea, (which is produced during protein synthesis and therefore con-The Research Evidence and Case Studies

tains nitrogen), can actually play a role in helping kidney patients to use protein more efficiently and to achieve proper nitrogen balance in the body.

The study demonstrated that:

“If urea was added to the diet, enough synthesis of nonessential amino

acids occurred to achieve equilibrium or even positive nitrogen balance.” As Giordano points out:

“With the use of a synthetic diet containing essential amino acids in low quantity, it is shown that urea, either if given exogenously or if taken endogenously from waste nitrogen retained in uremia, is utilized for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids.”

Utilization of urea has shown progressive clinical improvement in uremic patients and is under study as a treatment of renal [kidney] failure.

Another report on the role of urea in kidney disease was delivered at an international symposium in Florida in 1968, entitled Urea and the Kidney, In the report, Mackenzie Walser, of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, stated that:

“In uremics [kidney patients] on diets containing small amounts of protein, urea apparently provides the principal source of nitrogen for protein synthesis. Further exploration of these findings may yield valuable information in the treatment of renal failure.”

Walser also points out that:

Urea can no longer be regarded as an end-product of nitrogen metabolism but may be used for protein synthesis.

In other words, studies have shown that urea is not just a “waste” or by-product of the body’s use of protein, but is actually an important

part of our bodies’ process of metabolizing protein and maintaining

proper nitrogen levels which are critical to health and functioning.Your Own Perfect Medicine


URINE, 1965, by Lars A. Hanson and Eng M. Tan, (From the Rockefeller Institute, N.Y., N.Y.). published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

This study is another research project done on antibodies in human urine and was presented by Dr. Tars A. Hanson of the Pediatric Clinic of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden at the meeting of the Microbiology Section of the Swedish Medical Society in Stockholm. The report stated that:

Human urine contains proteins that have been shown to be identical with serum (blood) immunoglobulin or (antibodies).

The report also revealed that:

Antibody activity in urine has been demonstrated against several microorganisms including cholera, salmonella, diphtheria, tetanus and polio.

Many of the doctors who used urine therapy on patients early in the twentieth century such as Duncan, and Plesch noted that the ingestion or injection of an individual’s own urine had an often amazing curative

effect on a surprisingly wide variety of bacterial and viral-related illnesses such as hepatitis, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox and


It’s interesting to see that modem medical researchers have confirmed the presence of a variety of disease antibodies in urine that apparently play a role in the successful dinical applications of urine therapy.

There are many other references to urine antibodies in medical literature, a few more of which I will list here.

The gammaglobulins which are mentioned in the report titles are extremely important immune defense antibody factors:

Blood group antibodies in human urine. Prager and Bearden

Transfusion, 1965

Further studies of the gamma related proteins of normal urine.

Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1962The Research Evidence and Case Studies Characterization of antibodies in normal human urine by gel-filtration

and antigenic analysis.

M.W. Turner

Protides of the Biological Fluids, 1964

Proteins, glycoproteins and mucopolysaccharides in normal human urine.

I. Berggard

Arkiv. Kemi, 1961

An unusual micro-gamma-globulin in the serum and urine of a patient.

Franklin, Meltzer, Guggenhein and Lowenstein

Fed. Proc., 1963 r

Physiochemical and immunologic studies of gamma globulins of nor-

- mal human urine.

E.C. Franklin

Journal of Clinical investigation, 1959 j

i Significance of urinary gamma globulin in lupus nephritis. Stevens and Knowles

New England Journal of Medicine, 1962

It’s extraordinary to realize that we have such easy access to these

extremely important natural antibodies and other critical immune elements of the blood through the simple use of urine therapy – especially

in view of the AIDS scare which makes the use of any public source of blood-related medical treatments frightening to many people today.


SUBJECTS, 1975, by A.H. Free., H.M. Free, from Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, Miles Laboratories.


In general, most of us have no idea that urine is an extraordinary body

fluid derived from the blood that is filled with hundreds of health supporting ingredients – but, for that matter, this is a fact that scientists

themselves have only begun to fully understand within the last few

decades.Your Own Perfect Medicine As Free and Free explain:

“Literally thousands of compounds have been identified in normal.urine and the vast majority of these have been derived from

the blood…

The understanding of the composition of the urine has gradually evolved as the sciences of chemistry and physiology have developed.. It is now recognized that the urine contains thousands of compounds, and as new, more sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is quite certain that new constituents of urine will be recognized”

This’ report goes on to give a detailed listing of approximately 200 constituents of urine, but as the researchers comment: “this table is not considered to be complete, but identifies [only] compounds of interest.”

Listing all 200 of the ingredients here would be a bit much, so I’ll give a sample of some of the ingredients in urine that are most recognizable because many of them are the same ingredients that you see on your vitamin supplement labels, or that you’ve read or heard about from various sources.

Again, we never think of urine as a nutrient, but as this analysis of urine shows, there are numerous elements of nutritional value in urine, along with hormones, steroids, and other critical elements that regulate and control key processes of the body:

Alanine, total ……….. 38 mg/day….. Lysine, total 56 mg/day

Arginine, total ……….32 mg/day……Magnesium - 100 mg/day

Ascorbic acid ……….. 30 mg/day……Manganese 0.5 mg/day

Allantoin ……………… 12 mg/day……Methionine, total 10 mg/day

Amino acids, total ……2.1 g/day Nitrogen, total 15 g/day

Bicarbonate ……….. 140 mg/day….. Ornithine 10 mg/day

Biotin ………………… 35 mg/day……Pantothenic acid 3 mg/day

Calcium ……………… 23 mg/day……Phenylalanine 21 mg/day

Creatinine …………… 1.4 mg/day….. Phosphorus, organic . .9 mg/day Cystine ……………… 120 mg/day……Potassium 2.5 mg/day

Dopamine …………. 0A0 mg/day……Proteins, total 35 mg/day

Epinephrine ……….. 0.01 mg/day….. Riboflavin 0.9 mg/day

Folic acid ……………… 4 mg/day….. Tryptophan, total 28 mg/day

Glucose ……………. 100 mg/day….. Tyrosine, total 50 mg/day

Glutamic Acid ……… 308 mg/day….. Urea 24.5 mg/day

Glycine ……………… 455 mg/day….. Vitamin B6 100 mg/day

Inositol ………………. 14 mg/day….. Vitamin 812 0.03 mg/day

Iodine ……………… 0.25 mg/day….. Zinc 1.4 mg/day

Iron 0.5 mg/dayHormonal Substances

Aldosterone, male 3.5 mg/day

Aldosterone, female 4.2 mg/day

Androgens, female

(20-40 yrs.) 14 mg/day

Androgens, male

(20-40 yrs.) 18.2 mg/day

Androsterone, female ..4.2 mg/day Androsterone, male 3.5 mg/day

Estradiol, female

luteal phase 7 mg/day

Estriol, female

luteal phase 28 mg/day

Estrone, female

luteal phase 14 mg/day

17-Ketogenic adrenocoriticoids female 12.6 mg/day

17-Ketogenic adrenocoriticoids male 14.7 mg/day

Ketol steroids 18.2 mg/day

The Research Evidence and Case Studies

An interesting point about many of these urine ingredients is that many of them are naturally synthesized forms of key nutritional elements.

For instance, the synthesized, or “digested” forms of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) are found in urine - Pyridoxal (70 mg/day) and Pyridoxamine

(100 mg/day). When you ingest B6 (pyridoxine) in your food or as a vitamin supplement, the body breaks it down into simpler substances that it can use, namely, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.

These two substances have tremendous nutritive value. They’re essential for the synthesis and breakdown of amino acids, the conversion of

tryptophan to niacin, the breakdown of glycogen to glucose, the production of antibodies, the formation of heme in hemoglobin, the formation of hormones important in brain function, the proper absorption of

B12, and the maintenance of the balance of sodium and potassium which regulates body fluids.

In using natural urine therapy, you are not only ingesting B6 itself, but you are also ingesting the already synthesized forms of B6, which can

be extremely important to people who have an impaired ability to utilize B vitamins or other essential nutrients in their systems due to such

factors as poor digestion and assimilation, aging, the use of drugs, oral contraceptives, antibiotics, etc.

• There are many “pm-digested” nutritional products on the market today for people whose bodies have a difficult time breaking down more complex nutritional substances into elements that the body can use efficiently. But urine in itself is an incredibly complex and complete mixture of your own already pre-synthesized nutrients that no chemist anywhere could ever duplicate.


r r ti


11Your Own Perfect Medicine

As a matter of fact, Bjomesjo, the researcher who did the studies on the

anti-tuberculin activity of urine, did conduct experiments using an artificial urine concocted in the laboratory. He found, however, that

whereas natural urine did kill or stop the growth of the TB bacteria, the artificial urine did not, because the natural anti-TB urine element could not be synthetically duplicated.

Several of the following research reports deal specifically with urine therapy treatments of cancer, AIDS, mental disorders, skin conditions and urea’s dermatological and cosmetic uses, and these particular reports have been grouped in sections under their appropriate category titles to make it easier for you to review them.


Report #25 TITLE H-11 FOR CANCER, by Dr. J.H. Thompson, 1943, published in

the British Medical Journal, (7/31/43).

In the late 1930’s and early 40’s, many medical researchers such as Dr. Thompson, were experimenting with an anti-cancer urine extract referred to as H-11.

Many of the hundreds of researchers who had conducted the studies on

H-11 in cancer treatments over approximately a 12-year period experienced excellent results which unfortunately were ignored by the medical community. The researchers reportedly demanded that a medical

research council be set up to review their complaints, stating that their research findings on successful H-11 cancer treatments were being unjustly ignored by the medical establishment. A council was set up in

1948, However, despite thousands of laboratory studies and hundreds of cases of clinical proof demonstrating the efficacy of H-11 in treating cancer, it was set aside by the council as an accepted medical treatment for cancer.

The clinical and laboratory findings on the use of this extract on cancer patients was reported in the British Medical Journal by Dr. J.H. Thompson, and revealed that over 300 independent doctors and researchers had found that H-11 was clinically effective in inhibiting the

growth of malignant cells in humans.The Research Evidence and Case Studies TITLE: THERAPEUTIC RESULTS OF THE USE OF AN AUTO- Report #26 URINE EXTRACT ON MALIGNANT TUMORS, 1961, by Dr. Novak,

published in the German journal, Zeitschr(ft Innere Medizine, (Journal of o Internal Medicine).

This is an extremely interesting report from a German doctor who utilized injections of a natural urine extract prepared from each patients’

own urine to treat several different types of cancer including stomach,

colon, rectal, breast, lung, uterine, lymph node and gall bladder malignancies.

The results were remarkable in the majority of the 21 cases treated, and the report includes x-ray photos that corroborate the results. As an example:

CASE #2: A 60 year-old woman with metastatic malignant tumors in the epigastrium and liver was treated with the urine

extract After 4 injections, both subjective and objective

improvement was noted, as corroborated by radiological x-rays showing marked tumor reduction. After six weeks, there were no obstructions noted in the upper abdomen and the liver was normal. Two years have passed since the treatments and there has been no further incidence of the cancer.

CASE #3: 52-year-old woman with jaundice (serum bilirubin 11

mg.%). Melon-sized tumor in the right epi- and mesogastrium; exploratory laparotomy revealed advanced cancer

of the gallbladder with metastases to the liver, cecum and transverse colon. After 5 injections of the urine extract, there was shrinkage of the tumor, reduction in size of the liver, bilirubin dropped to 1.6 mg%. Within 10 months of

follow-up examinations, the patient exhibited no symptoms; on rare occasions, stomach upset occurred after

dietary irregularities.Your Own Perfect Medicine Report #27 TITLE: PREPARATION OF R


Albert Szent-Gyorgi,, 1963, published in Science Magazine. Study supported by grants from the National Institute of Health and the National Science Foundation and conducted at the Institute for Muscle Research, in Massachusetts.


This study was done on an anti-cancer element that has been extracted from urine called “retire`:

“Certain fractions of the urine of children have been shown to stop the

growth of transplanted malignant cancer tumors in mice. The substance responsible for this action was called “refine”. We have since

found a similar activity in the urine of adults of about 20-25 years.”

After studying the effect of refine on several different types of cancerous tumors, the researchers observed that:

“Smaller doses of refine inhibit growth of the tumors, while bigger ones actually make the tumors regress.”

In the study, a group of mice were injected under the skin with 30 million live cancer cells, and developed subsequent tumors. The mice

were then treated with refine for a week and the researchers noted that:

“The tumors of the mice treated with 6 units of refine for a week, upon examination, were found to contain very little live cancer tissue and consisted chiefly of dead cancer cells.”

Unfortunately, reline has not been publicized as an anti-cancer agent,

but this study, as do others, demonstrates that there are important anticancer factors in urine that have been shown to be amazingly effective

in destroying and stopping the growth of malignant cancerous tumors and cells.r

The Research Evidence and Case Studies



Dr. Momoe Soeda, Tokyo, Japan.

This research report presents the remarkable results of a cancer treatment study utilizing a urine derivative called HUD (Human’s Urine

Derivative). HUD was found in significant amounts in the urine of cancer patients and was shown to have distinct anti-cancer properties:

“A variety of people were tested and it was found that the urine of cancer patients almost invariably contains a considerable amount of a natural immune defense substance named HUD (Human’s Urine


HUD was clinically applied to an intractable case of metastatic (spreading) ovarian cancer in June, 1965 and we were very impressed with its excellent effect on regression of metastatic tumors.”

After the HUD treatment was applied the researchers noted that “Almost all metastases completely disappeared during a course of 3 months after the start of HUD therapy, and the patient was discharged under a quite favorable condition. More than 30 months have passed since she was discharged and now she is completely well and enjoying the rest of her life.”

HUD therapy was also applied to several patients with gastric cancer

after surgery in order to prevent the common post-surgical reoccurrence of the cancer:

“8 patients were treated with HUD immediately after operation. In 5 cases in this group, the cancer had invaded the stomach wall and involved the lymph nodes. The postoperative prognosis for this group of patients was very poor, and their 3-year survival rate was considered to less than 40 percent.

However, following HUD treatments, 3 years passed and 7 out of the 8 patients treated are completely well and participating in almost full activities without any signs of recurrence.

In view of these facts it is apparent that HUD is effective in suppressing the post- operative recurrence of gastric cancer and that such effect

may presumably be due to its ability to reinforce the immune system of the cancer patient.”Your Own Perfect Medicine

These researchers also commented on the danger and ineffectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer:

“Radiation therapy and anti-cancer chemotherapy have been extensively tested for many years to control postoperative spreading and growth

of tumor cells, however, it may be fairly said that both measures have almost completely failed this purpose up to the present time.”

The researchers comment on the extreme importance of maintaining the integrity of the immune system in treating cancer and they discuss how radiation and chemo destroy the immunological defenses of the body,

especially plasma cells which are involved in antibody production and

natural resistance to cancer. The report recommends that:

“Emphasis should be placed on discovering anti-cancer agents, such as

HUD which exert an inhibitory effect on malignant cells without damaging the body’s natural immune defenses.”

A reinforcement of this medical opinion on the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy is another study done in 1985 which was published in Scientific American and stated that:

“Only 2 to 5 percent of cancer deaths are prevented by chemotherapeutic drugs, and their side effects are devastating.”

— Informed Consumers Pharmacy

As research suggests, preserving and reinforcing the immune system during cancer treatment is critical. The researchers in this study on HUD noted that patients with inoperable, advanced cases of gastric cancer whose immune systems were severely damaged often did not improve after HUD therapy.

But here again is an example of how natural urine therapy could been of more assistance than an isolated urine extract. The HUD extract is

only one infinitesimal fraction out of hundreds of immune defense factors and other proven anti-cancer agents which whole urine contains.

So these advanced cancer patients treated with HUD received only one single beneficial urine element when they could have been receiving the full range of benefits that whole urine has to offer. Perhaps, ideally, clinical treatments of cancer could incorporate natural urine therapy, augmented by the administration of concentrated urine extracts to

enhance healing.

Many cancer patients who have successfully used natural urine therapy to treat their cancer have reported it to be a safe and effective cancer

treatment which rids the body of cancerous manifestations while at theThe Research Evidence and Case Studies

same time greatly enhancing the immune system. But in consideration of all of the nutrients, enzymes, antibodies and other immune defense factors such as refine or HUD that urine contains, it’s not surprising that it has been found by many to be such an effective cancer treatment. TITLE: ANTINEOPLASTON A IN CANCER THERAPY, 1977, by

Stanislaw R. Burzynski et al, published in Physiological Chemistry and

Physics, a publication that reports fundamental new research in biochemistry and biophysics.

Report #29

This report is one of many published by Dr. Burzynski on anti-cancer agents which he discovered in human urine called “antineoplastons”.

In this and many succeeding laboratory and clinical studies on antineoplastons, Burzynski demonstrated remarkable success in treating various types of cancer with these urine extracts:

“In recent years we were able to describe a number of peptide fractions [proteins], isolated from normal human urine, that produce remarkable inhibition of ..various neoplastic cells [cancer tumors] without showing significant inhibition in normal cells…In our experiments we chose normal human urine as the most economical source for the isolation of


Burzynski’s work using antineoplastons in cancer treatment, which has been suppressed by the conventional medical establishment, brings up

the huge issue of alternative cancer therapies. This is an enormous subject and not one which can be examined in great detail here without

straying miles down the road from the subject of urine therapy.

But the fact is, that if you have cancer, you absolutely need to read the arguments against conventional treatments with radiation and chemotherapy — and there are many convincing ones, such as the last report on HUD in which medical researchers themselves discourage the use of toxic and generally ineffective accepted cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.

In 1979, Gary Null, a famous New York City talk show host and consumer advocate, published a series of excellent articles on the suppression of cancer cures in the U.S.

One of the cancer treatments that has been suppressed involves the use

of these antineoplastons that naturally occur in urine, discovered by Dr.Your Own Perfect Medicine

Burzynski. Gary Null, interviewed Burzynski in October 1979 and revealed hidden facts on Antineoplaston A:

“We can see how the cancer blackout works by looking at the case of a young Polish doctor named Stanislaw Burzynski. In the past few

years, this doctor has published ten papers on the positive results of a substance called antineoplaston a on certain types of tumors. One of

the youngest men in his native country to hold an M.D. and a Ph.D

degree, Dr. Burzynski found life under communism difficult and decided to come to the United States to seek more freedom for his scientific


Documented cases of spontaneous remission and prolonged cancer arrest in humans led Dr. Burzynski to consider how the body might fight cancer on its own. The body must have some way, he thought, to correct errors that occur in cellular differentiation and to redirect potential cancer cells into normal paths. The theory is, of course, that

cancer cells have lost the ‘information’ needed to develop into differentiated body- organ cells.

Burzynski’s antineoplaston a allegedly supplies that ‘information’ in

the form of a protein peptide, (a chain of amino acids) – one of the best biological information carriers – that would reprogram cancer cells into normal growth.

Although antineoplastons are found in all normal body tissues and fluids, THEY ARE MOST EASILY EXTRACTED FROM URINE (my

caps). They appear to “normalize” cancer cells without inhibiting the growth of normal cells.

Actually, urine therapy has been used as folk remedy for cancer and other ailments for over 2,000 years. Even within the past 30 years, at least 45,000 injections of urine or urine extract were given in the United States and throughout Europe without any

toxic side effects.”

In reality, unknown to Gary Null and most of us, there have been several hundred thousand oral administrations and injections of urine and

urea given by doctors and researchers over the last 30 years. Null continues: “In our search for antineoplastons, says Burzynski, ‘we were able to

find peptides in normal human urine…that were active against every type of human neoplasm (tumor) we tested, including myeloblastic leukemia, osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, cancer of the uterine cervix, colon cancer, breast cancer, and lymphoma.’

124The Research Evidence and Case Studies

Dr. Burzynski presented his startling results to the annual meeting of the Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology… “However, soon after this Dr. Burzynski’s funding was decreased, then it was discontinued. His work was channeled into other areas of research, and his superiors discouraged his pursuit of cancer therapy.” The article continues with details of the extraordinary results of Burzynski’s treatment in one particular case:

“Working for the past two years in the relative freedom of his own lab, Dr. Burzynski has amassed some impressive results. For example, there was the case of a 63-year old white male with lung cancer that had spread to the brain. Before coming to Dr. Burzynski, the patient had received chemotherapy and cobalt treatment, whereby a part of the brain tumor had been reduced. However, a new tumor had sprung up in another part of his brain, and doctors decided that nothing more

could be done. Undaunted, the patient’s family searched out Dr. Burzynski, who examined the patient and cautiously agreed to help. After just two weeks of the antineoplaston treatment, in which the patient was given the substance intravenously, the tumor on the left lung decreased substantially. After six weeks it disappeared entirely. After a month both brain metastases decreased in size and, in six weeks, also disappeared. Amazingly, the only side effects of this highly effective treatment were chills and fever. These were attributed to the release of toxic products into the bloodstream after the breakdown of cancer cells. Contrast this with the deleterious effects of conventional therapy, which in this patient’s case had increased the metastasis…”

Dr. Burzynski still uses his treatment successfully in his lab in Houston today, although he is continually assaulted by the medical society in Houston and has been refused research grants from the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute — even though his findings on the anticancer properties of antineoplaston A have been confirmed in tests by prestigious research centers all over the U.S. on leukemia and other types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Urine extracts such as H-11, refine, HUD and antineoplastons, as the research has demonstrated, gave excellent results in treating cancer patients, but, again, these anti-cancer elements are already available in natural urine and can be simply, safely and easily accessed, whereas

accessing urine extract treatments can be difficult and extremely expensive — and I know this from my own experience.Your Own Perfect Medicine

After several unsuccessful surgeries for endometriosis, I was told that I

would need more surgery. After my doctor told me that he was scheduling another operation for me, I canceled the surgery and flew to

Mexico to get an alternative treatment for cancer patients that I was told also had possibilities for treating my case.

The cancer clinics in Mexico reminded me of something out of Sartre – shaven-headed terminal cancer patients lined up by the dozens with IV tubes dangling from their arms, some of them with huge, ulcerated, open cancerous lesions oozing blood. The man in the bed next to mine had a cancerous brain tumor the size of a large grapefruit bulging from his head. One of his eyes, nearly eaten away by the cancer, was now just a mass of bloody, unrecognizable tissue.

But as I soon discovered, the people in the clinic were the “lucky” ones.

As I sat listlessly in my chair with my IV tube pumping a $10,000.00

course of “immune builders” into my body, I watched as a steady procession of cancer patients came through the clinic, asking for information on other less expensive cancer treatments because they couldn’t

afford the fees for the alternative clinics.

The stories, most of which I could overhear, were all the same – these cancer victims had gone through months or years of radiation and chemo, the cancer was back, and now they were dying; they’d turned to natural medicine as a last resort, but couldn’t afford the $10,000 to

$50,000 that the alternative clinics charged.

These were hopeless, desperate people, many of them only in their twenties and thirties – but what could they do? Conventional medicine hadn’t worked, they had no knowledge about natural therapies, no

idea about how to help themselves – it was a scenario of gruesome and devastating personal ordeals that the American Cancer Society and the AMA never reveal.

And these people are not in the minority. It has been reported that: “Nearly two-thirds of all cancer patients will eventually die of their diagnosed cancer, either before or after the arbitrary five-year limit.” Betrayal of Health

It’s always bothered me that I didn’t know about urine therapy at that time, because I saw so many people who could have benefitted so much from it. A young girl came into the clinic alone one day, and I happened to talk to her.

=1The Research Evidence and Case Studies

She was twenty-four and had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer which had not responded to aggressive surgery, radiation and chemo, and her doctors said there was nothing more they could do for her.

Her parents couldn’t help her financially, she wasn’t married, couldn’t work, and had no money of her own, so she was unable to pay for alternative treatments like the one I was receiving.

She told me that in desperation she had gotten into her car and driven

from her home in the Midwest to Mexico in hopes of finding some help. She asked me if I knew of any place that she could buy laetrile — she thought that perhaps she could treat herself with it, but I was unable to help her.

The bleak look of hopeless despair on her face was horrifying, and I would have loved to have been able to hand her a book on urine thera-

1 py — it was something she could have used herself, for free, in her own home, that undoubtedly would have given her control over her health and, at the very least, an excellent fighting chance. After all, she had

everything to gain and nothing to lose by using this safe, proven natural therapy.

The urine therapist of the 1930’s and 40’s, John Armstrong, recounts many stories of curing cancer with urine fasts, massages and compresses: “And now I will mention the case of a lady who came to me in 1927. It is instructive as showing once again that operations merely deal with effects and do not remove the cause of the disease from the body. The lady in question was 45, and had a growth of some size in her left

breast, the right one having been removed two years previously for a similar growth.

She fasted and was treated according to my method for nineteen days, and then reported that the growth had entirely vanished…On the 28th day, there was no trace of the lump…

Lady of 62; diagnosed cancer of the bowel. Colostomy advised by the

profession but refused…after urine therapy, complete cure.

Lady of 42, diagnosed cancer of the breast. Excision advised…but only faint hope of cure…Patient refused operation. Complete cure by the fasting-urine method. Is still alive and well after 21 years.”

Naturally Armstrong’s experiences, having no scientific support, were completely ignored by the medical establishment. But it’s interesting to discover that medical research later revealed significant anti-cancer ele- 127Your Own Perfect Medicine

ments in urine that are extremely effective in treating and healing a

wide variety of cancers. This modem scientific evidence provides corroboration to Armstrong’s experiences, illustrating that his cures were

much more than figments of his imagination.

Cancer is a frightening disease, but with the assiduous and wise use of natural healing methods such as urine therapy, proper nutrition, herbs, rest, homeopathic remedies, etc., many have controlled and cured their cancer without resorting to methods which damage the immune system such as chemotherapy or radiation.

Before you resort to any conventional cancer treatment, go to your local library and research your case by reading material related to different treatment options. It’s crucial to find out the real success statistics on conventional treatments – don’t just blindly accept your oncologist’s recommendations.

I have a dose relative who learned this lesson the hard way. After surgery for colon cancer, she called me and said that her oncologist

wanted her to take a follow-up course of chemotherapy, “just in case”, even though the surgery had taken out all existing non-metastasized

tumors. I told her what I had read about the extreme side effects, dangers and inadequacy of chemo, but under pressure from her oncologist,

she took the “treatment”.

Unfortunately, she had a severe allergic reaction to the chemicals, nearly died and spent several totally unnecessary and horribly painful

weeks in the hospital recovering from the extremely harmful effects of the chemotherapy, some of which were irreversible.

The use of chemotherapy and radiation is so damaging and traumatic

to the body and it’s success rate is so low that it’s difficult to understand why anyone would resort to it once they are made aware of the

truth of its danger and inadequacy without first trying aggressive urine therapy and other forms of natural healing. Many doctors themselves are acutely aware of the futility and danger of the conventional cancer treatments:

“In 1955, the late Dr. Hardin Jones, professor of medical physics at the

University of California, after studying cancer statistics for the previous thirty- three years, concluded that untreated cancer victims lived

up to four times longer than treated individuals.

Dr. Jones pointed out that the cure rates most often cited by doctors were (and continue to be) based only on the conventional treatment of

the most favorable cases. If the less ‘curable’ cases were figured in,The Research Evidence and Case Studies

conventional therapies would emerge as having little, no, or even aggravating impact on cancer patients overall.” Betrayal of Health

A recent article in Forbes Magazine in June of 1993 entitled “An Educated Consumer is the best patient”, describes a woman, Janice Guthrie, who was diagnosed with a rare type of ovarian cancer (granulosa cell

tumor). She had emergency surgery, and, to her consternation, her oncologist recommended radiation therapy as a follow-up:

“To regain some control of her life, Guthrie went straight to the University of Arkansas medical school library in Little Rock. ‘I wanted to see what was involved in my treatment,’ she says, and to try to counteract any of the negative side effects.’ But in the course of her

reading, Guthrie discovered that radiation therapy didn’t keep granulosa patients alive any longer than those who opted for regular checkups after surgery. Guthrie’s oncologist didn’t think much of her

research. ‘You can know too much,’ he warned. Recalls Guthrie, ‘It really made me mad’.

In the end, Guthrie ignored her oncologist and through her research, found a doctor at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston who successfully helped her condition without radiation.

So become an educated consumer about your cancer, and above all, vigorously support your body’s own natural defenses with excellent nutrition, rest, relaxation and assiduous, educated use of natural healing methods like herbs, homeopathy, and of course urine therapy

The body has amazing curative powers of its own, and if we would simply support our natural healing powers rather than beating them down with toxic chemical interventions and poor health habits, our

ability to overcome cancer would be greatly increased and the unnecessary suffering associated with accepted cancer treatments would be

eradicated.Your Own Perfect Medicine

Report #30 TITLE: DHEA: “MIRACLE” DRUG? 1982, by Saul Kent, published in

Geriatrics, September, 1982.


This report deals with a substance which is found in large quantities in the urine called dehydroepiandrosterone or DHEA to us. DHEA is a hormone that is already present in the body, and is actually related to testosterone, a male hormone.

Within the last decade, scientists have been analyzing and experimenting with this hormone because it apparently has significant anti-cancer,

anti-obesity and anti-aging properties and has even been used in AIDS treatment.

As Dr. Kent comments, DHEA has been found by researchers to have several different biologic actions in animal studies:

“DHEA was added to a culture medium containing two potent chemical carcinogens. It was discovered that DHEA was remarkably successful in protecting cultured rodent cells against the cancer-causing

agents that were added to the cells.”

While studying the anti-cancer effects of DHEA, another researcher, Dr. Schwartz also reported that the experimental animals gained much less weight as they grew older than normal animals:

“Apparently, DHEA was keeping body weight down without suppressing appetite or restricting food intake…In one study Lit was] found that

DHEA could even prevent weight increase in mice genetically bred to become obese in adulthood.”

Further research also revealed that mice treated with DHEA had a much younger appearance, showing much less coarsening and graying of the hair than animals not receiving DHEA:

“This suggests that DHEA may have an anti-aging effect as well as anti-cancer and anti-obesity effects.”

Users of urine therapy have reported for years that they weighed less and looked remarkably younger after consistent use of urine therapy.

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